DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-3-61-68
Introduction. The purpose of the article is to reflect on the specifics of organizing translation training in line with the collaborative activity pedagogy of G. N. Prozumentova. Three models of collaborative activity between the teacher and students (authoritative, leadership, partner) and three types of joint actions between the teacher and students have been analyzed: closed, semi-open and open. For each model there are special types of educational tasks (reproductive, constructive, creative). At the same time, all translation exercises are characterized in the logic of a certain model of collaborative activity between a teacher and students, taking into account the different positions of its participants. Material and methods. As a methodological base of the research we have chosen a learner-centered approach as well as the concept of collaborative activity pedagogy between the teacher and students. We have analyzed the traditional methods of teaching translation and educational practices for training translators in a classical university, including teaching experience of the author. Results and discussion. It has been established that the majority of translation exercises are mostly reproductive and tend to an authoritative model of collaborative activity; therefore, it is important to use a variety of exercises, mainly dialogue exercises, representing a leadership and partnership model of collaborative activity pedagogy. It has been proven that an open collaborative action (involving the creation of new meanings, the interchange and mutual enrichment, non-didactic interaction of participants) is optimal in translation teaching. Students form socio-cultural knowledge, communication skills, ability to participate in collaborative activities, translation competencies. Conclusion. For the first time it has been shown that translation training requires not only modern methodological support, but also a pedagogical basis. The idea of co-organizing different types of interaction between a teacher and students in translation training with an emphasis on organizing open collaborative action is seen by the author as the best option for organizing learner-centered educational practice at the university.
Keywords: collaborative activity pedagogy, model of organizing collaborative activity, types of collaborative activity, training lesson, translation training
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 61 — 68
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