DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-3-86-95
Introduction. Based on the substantiation of the relevance of the search for ne w tools and technologies for the organization of independent activities of students, the problem of building a modern methodology for its organization in the system of professional training is highlighted. Aim and objectives. Building a methodology for organizing independent activities of students in the modern educational paradigm for the vocational training system. Material and methods. A clarification of the conceptual apparatus has been proposed: independent work is understood as a set of independent target activities, each o f which is composed of a system (base) of actions. At the same time, the ability of independent work in the process of learning is understood as the ability of the learner to perform (rep roduce) the construction of a system of independent activities and to carry out the actions included in these activities for the reliable achie vement of the set educational goal. The characteristic features of independent work in the vocational education system are highlighted on the basis of analysis and comparison of the totality of the used independent actions and the structure of the system of independent activity when performing independent work. Results and discussion. The characteristic features of independent work in the modern educational paradigm are: 1) individualization, which will manifest itself and be recorded in the set of available actions used by the student, constituting independent activity, and feature s of the structure of independent work as a system of independent activities, 2) the need to ensure corporate professional communication. It is proposed to use the interaction of cloud personal educational environment of a teacher and personal learning environments of students as the main means of forming the skills of independent work and the formation of the information field of independent activities. Taking into account the formulated provisions, a structural-functional model of the organization of students’ independent work using cloud technologies has been developed. Conclusion. From the standpoint of the proposed methodology in the implementation of the competence approach for building a methodology for independent work, the levels of ability for independent work are proposed to be determined as follows: the level of knowledge of actions; the level of ability to perform actions; the level of knowledge of activities with the actions that make up the independent work; the level of implementa tion of activities with actions constituting the independent work (including the design and modeling of the system of activities).
Keywords: independent work, independent activity, learning activities, information and communication technologies, cloud technologies, personal educational environment, personal learning environment
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 86 — 95
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