DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-3-102-108
The article, based on the analysis of modern historical and pedagogical research, interprets the following concepts: ideal teacher, teacher’s mission, which helps to present the pedagogical ideal as a sample image. This article shows that the second half of the XIX – beginning of the XX century is of particular interest for the history of public education, since during this period pedagogical ideas developed intensively. Important and up-to-date judgments about the ideal, mission, and the role of the teacher were expressed. There are relevant views of modern scientists on the ideal and mission of the teacher in the article. Special attention is focused on a study conducted at the beginning of the XX century, where you can find generalized data about ideal teacher from the students’ point of view. Pupils’ reflections on the ideal teacher, his traits of character, personal and professional qualities are given. According to the students, these traits and professional qualities have the most favorable impact on young people. It was found out, that the favorite teacher was considered to be the one who knew his subject at high level, explained information clearly and, more than that, this person would be cheerful, kind, patient, fair, noble, sincere, young at heart, understand the problems of young people, treat students like adults, trust them, see their personality, love his students.
Keywords: ideal, mission, teacher, education, pupil, the second half of XIX – beginning of the XX century
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 102 — 108
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