DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-4-150-154
Introduction. The digital platform for the organization of modern broadcasting significantly transforms the principles of information and communication with the addressee. Material and methods. The subject of discussion in this article is the communicative ways of implementing personal radio discourse. Results and discussion. The focus is on the image of the radio host, which is formed at the intersection of the strategies of self-presentation and advertising of the radio site as an information resource. The functional potential of the interaction of communicative strategies is manifested in how the author identifies himself through a set of roles of professional and personal orientation. The specificity of the author’s role realization is examined through the description of the macrotext structure – the sociocultural and genre features of the Internet blog, which serves as a precedent form of broadcasting organization. The social network principle of radio functioning determines the basic parameter of its picture of the world – the individualization of the process of interaction with the addressee, the organization of the psycho-emotional environment of identity formation. Conclusion. The complex of interacting communicative strategies becomes the discursive mechanism that determines the variability of the author’s role-playing behavior – a discursive personality that manifests itself in the process of interactive communication, in the process of forming a discursive picture of the world as a world shared with the addressee, a comfortable psycho-emotional interaction environment.
Keywords: personal radio project, communicative strategies of self-presentation and advertising, contextual macrostructure, discursive worldview
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 150 — 154
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