DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-4-155-161
The paper deals with the actual, but the least investigated Russian language aspectual meaning – the general fact. This means that full qualification is even more important because it is a guideline of the Russian Aspectual System. The article covers the Russian as a Foreign Language modern training courses, created by foreign and Russian authors, an analysis of the basic principles of data presentation. Their conceptual features are marked. The author aims at the versatile presentation of two general fact use syntagmatic restrictions (non-collocation: a) with adverbs вдруг, внезапно, неожиданно (suddenly, unexpectedly); b) with quantified object) and creating these phenomenae` explanatory model. Despite the traditional opinion of the unexpectedness, dominating in the semantics of these adverbs, author, distinguishing aspectual and non-aspectual action characteristics, considers the feature of unexpectedness aspectually irrelevant and so puts forward the different basis for figuring out the first restriction – Salience / importance of the action for the speaker, which proves the verbal aspect interpretative function. The second restriction is being analysed regarding the wider sphere of phenomenae – the quantifying and qualifying characteristics of the action /state itself. So Partitive appears to be homogeneous for quantification. But the latter are impossible in terms of the general fact use. Thus it results in putting the general fact essence into the limelight, making it possible to shape it for the foreign learners: the speaker is not focused on the action and state, the latter is not emphasized. Hence the general fact meaning could be included in the set of means, revealing the universal language category of definiteness/indefiniteness (of the action/state distribution in time).The gained results open some certain research perspectives: listing the general fact use typical situations given the different verbal grammar forms (future forms and infinitive) are involved, aspectual meanings` orientation in regard to dictum and modus, verifying the aspectual meanings` position in the Russian sentence semantic structure.
Keywords: Russian as foreign language, aspectual meanings, general fact, action salience, object quantification
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 155 — 161
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