DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-1-94-103
Introduction. Taking into account the updating goals and methods of modern education, the relevance of revealing the potential of the digital environment for the implementation of personality-oriented learning is justified. The search for effective methods of pedagogical support of an individualized student’s work in new information conditions is substantiated. Material and methods. The implementation of the objective approach to the organization of students’ independent work in a digital environment is proposed and methodologically justified. As a prerequisite is considered the “culturecongruent” of this approach, i.e. compliance with the level of modern information culture and the educational results demanded by society. The key features of the learning task in the digital space are identified in terms of goal setting, content management, the development of digital tools, interaction with other subjects, taking into account the individual student’s needs and requests, manifested in their information behavior. The concept of “digital microenvironment of the learning task” is introduced and disclosed, embodying the specifics of setting educational tasks and creating situations for their solution in the digital education space. Results and discussion. The results of surveys of university students and teachers are presented and analyzed, which made it possible to identify the real features of pedagogical activity in the digital education space and correlate them with the students’ attitude to the use of various methods of interaction with resources and persons in the digital educational environment. The data confirmed that the majority of teachers do not fully realize the potential of the digital educational environment in the context of modern education priorities and are not sufficiently oriented to students’ information and communication requests. Conclusion. The learning task is considered as a unit, according to which an independent learning and cognitive activity is organized in the digital environment. The design of the “learning tasks of digital microenvironments” provides a wide range of opportunities for organizing a productive, personality-oriented independent student work. The nature of the educational activity in the “digital microenvironment” depends both on the pedagogical methodology and on the educational position and characteristics of the student’s informational behavior.
Keywords: digital educational environment, personality-oriented learning, learning task, independent work
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 94 — 103
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