DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-3-22-29
Introduction. Phenomenological discourse in literature is connected with methodological orientation on perception of literary work as a phenomenon of author’s reality and event in reader perception. Due to such dialogue biorientation, the literary text ceases to be understood as a closed object, reaching the level of existential communication between the author and the reader with the basis for value event. Which makes it possible to talk about the possibility of revealing the perceiving consciousness through a dialog search for one’s word and another’s word. Materials and methods. The study uses analytical, descriptive, axiological methods and a phenomenological approach. The material for the study is the chapter of “A Writer’s Dairy” by F. M. Dostoevsky “One of the Modern Fales” (1873), ego-documents: notebooks 1863–1864, letters to A. G. Kovner (1877), N. P. Peterson (1878) and E. F. Yunge (1880). Results and discussion. As part of the axiological analysis of the text, the category “author’s position” was identified as an “aesthetic coefficient” of the value orientation vector of the literary work. The “position of the author” is understood through the dialogical principle, drawn by M. M. Bakhtin as the first definition in the polyphonic structure of the works of F. M. Dostoevsky. The dialogue of the writer is an all-encompassing concept, with neither temporary nor simple borders. This was directly reflected in the idea, genre and composition of “A Writer’s Diary”. Other modality, based on the conjugation of the Self and the Other consciousness, is characterized by position-value variability. The existential consciousness of the writer manifests itself in a word having a dialogue orientation. Dialogue is an attributive characteristic of existential consciousness. Personal Self shows itself as an object and subject through the situation of analysis of the process of self-knowledge. Conclusion. The process of the reader discovering not just the spiritual and moral foundations of the author’s personality, but the very situation of their formation is important in the situation of the value orientation of the young generation. Through the dialogue with the consciousness of the perceiving subject, Dostoevsky opens the way for the reader to acquire his Self (both I-author and I-reader).
Keywords: dialogue, author, value analysis, Other, existential consciousness, F. M. Dostoevsky, “A Writer’s Dairy”
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 22 — 29
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