DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-3-124-131
Introduction. The theme of Memory is a key one in culture and thus it is studied in history, sociology, semiotics, philology and other domains. The “Mnemonic Code” retains its significance throughout the entire career of M. I. Tsvetaeva as a poet. Material and methods. The aim of the article is to study semantic and stylistic features of the word-image “Memory” in M. Tsvetaeva’s lyrics of 1920 through the analysis of the lexical structure of the corresponding poetic text. The semantic-stylistic analysis is based on the theories of the imaginative speech substantiation by M. N. Kozhina and of the text paradigms by N. S. Bolotnova. Referring to both linguistic and textual paradigms goes within the textocentric approach in modern linguistics and the linguistic analysis of the literary text itself. Results and discussion. Semantic lexical paradigms present associative pairs and fragments of associative series of words and superword units within the lexical system of the text, already existing in the linguistic consciousness of the reader on the one hand and formed by the text on the other hand. Analysis of M. Tsvetaeva’s poems revealed semantic lexical paradigms based on semic recurrence, isotopic chains actualized due to such type of foregrounding as repetition, and semantic lexical paradigms based on semantic contrast. In 1920 M. Tsvetaeva wrote 4 poems containing the word-image “Memory”: “Good Night to a Stranger in a New Cell...”, “Psyche” (“Punch and Midnight ...”), “Running from Home…”, “How They Drink in Long Drinks... ” (Excerpt). They are written at the end of the third period of the poet’s creative work, they precede the new features of her idiostyle. The word-image “Memory” is associated with the main themes of M. Tsvetaeva’s works – the lost world, creativity, love. In the verbal associative network of M. Tsvetaeva’s poems of 1920, the word “memory” is accompanied by the usual lexical representatives “remember”, “forget”, phraseological unit meaning “without memory”. It actualizes in the locative “in memory”, in the spoken syntactic structure “what a memory” and it is accompanied by the epithets and descriptive adjectives as “bad”, “female”, “all”. Conclusion. The contextual meaning of the word-image “Memory” is based on a rich usual background and is explained in M. Tsvetaeva’s lyrics of 1920 through the themes of the vanishing old world, creativity and love. This further develops the trends outlined in the earlier poems, but they are expressed more clearly, expressively and deeply.
Keywords: cultural memory, M. I. Tsvetaeva’s idiostyle, M. I. Tsvetaeva’s lyric poetry, communicative stylistics, lexical structure of the poetic text, semantic lexical paradigms
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 124 — 131
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