DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-6-185-190
Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of addressing the problem of political education of military personnel under contract at the present stage of development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Aim and objectives. The purpose of this research is to substantiate the ideas that serve as the basis for the development of the concept of military-political training of military personnel under contract as a discipline. Material and methods. The material of the research is normative legal documents on the organization of political education in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as materials of pedagogical research devoted to the development of concepts of educational disciplines in General and their content in particular. The analysis of these materials allowed us to formulate the main ideas of the concept of military-political training of military personnel under contract as a new academic discipline in the political education of military personnel, the organization of the process of its development. The concept reflects the conditionality of the political consciousness of military personnel under contract by the nature of their military professional activities, the form of participation in the system of relations inherent in their professional group. The research is based on the theoretical provisions of the activity approach to the construction of pedagogical processes, the subject-subject paradigm of building pedagogical interaction in professional teams, and the competence approach to the selection of the content of professional training. Results and discussion. According to the developed concept, the purpose of military-political training of military personnel under contract as a discipline is to form the military personnel’s competencies necessary to perform professional tasks with political content; subjective images (personal meanings, meanings and relationships) that form the cognitive basis of the political consciousness of military personnel. The concept assumes active inclusion of military personnel in the system of public relations and phenomena of state military policy. The selection of material is based on the General purpose of training a specialist, the system of cognitive goals and opportunities of the discipline. Carried out conceptualization focuses on the need for leading, core concepts (ideas) in the course content; definition of the basic (invariant) core and variant parts of the content of the training modules, to correlate this material with the level of cognitive activity of students; allocation of consolidated problems of professionally-oriented nature, the resolution of which requires knowledge and skills in the academic discipline; select content and determine the scope of a training module, selection of methods of cognitive activity. The use of «content nodes» of educational material (conceptual, worldview, subject-image, activity) allows us to specify the control and evaluation system aimed at checking the formation of military personnel’s competencies under the contract in solving a set of educational and professional tasks. Conclusion. The developed concept serves as an indicative basis for solving the problems of developing the political consciousness of a military serviceman under a contract. The results of the research allow us to clarify the ways and means of forming the political consciousness of conscripts during the period of changing ideological priorities in professional education and training of military personnel.
Keywords: maidenhood, dialect, traditional culture
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 185 — 190
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