DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-2-94-100
Introduction. Currently, educational institutions have experience in organizing children’s design and research activities. The interest of schools convincingly shows the demand for these activities. Long-term observations and experience of cooperation with educational institutions of the city of Tomsk and the region made it possible to identify urgent problems in this direction. Purpose of the research: analysis of problems in the design and research activities of children and the search for approaches to their solution. Material and methods. The study used reports from teachers from 23 schools (Tomsk and the Tomsk region). They were presented at the regional scientific-practical conference «Organization of research and project activities of students in educational institutions» (Tomsk, December 17, 2020, Tomsk State Pedagogical University). We conducted a survey (63 teachers). Results and discussion. Based on the analysis, we identified problems: teachers do not distinguish between the concepts of «project activity» and «research activity»; there are no uniform criteria for project activities and research activities of students; there are no successive ties in the organization of project and research activities at different levels of education. Conclusion. The solution to these problems can be: 1. Creation of a project group for proactive teachers. They can develop uniform criteria for the design and research activities of children for the city and region. 2. It is necessary to update the content of training students at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. There should be a course for teaching students to work with projects and research on children.
Keywords: project and research activities of students, organization of project and research activities of children at school, criteria for project and research activities of children, continuity
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 94 — 100
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