DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-2-125-133
Introduction. Non-formalized (the notion «non-formal» is often used) education is considered today as a service sector aimed at meeting the needs of the population. At the same time, attention is drawn to the ability of non-formalized education to respond to the needs of society in the translation of value orientations, ideals, methods and forms of social activity and, in fact, influence the transformation of society, the development of its citizens. At the same time, the scope of non-formalized education still has an insufficient regulatory framework for the intensive development and active preparation of its subjects. To promote the educational activities of non-formalized education structures, it is necessary to search for methods and forms of training for subjects capable of building event-based educational networks. The purpose of the article is to analyze the methods and forms of the (self)organization of different age’s communities in the development of event networks of non-formalized education. We are considering it as a dynamic set of interrelated pedagogical events). Material and methods. Analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the research problem, modeling, comparative analysis and generalization of pedagogical experience, opinion polls, interviewing, observation, public examination method. Results and discussion. It is justified: if it is an educational institution where event practices of non-formalized education are actively developing, it is important to make the (self)organization of different age’s adult-child communities as a dominant process. Effective forms of (self)organization of non-formalized education of differentaged communities: school informal communities (clubs, music groups, etc.), family (family education and leisure); hobby reader’s clubs; religious communities of parishioners, groups of travelers and participants of excursion routes. Methods of (self)organization of different age’s communities in the fields of non-formalized education: game and project activities, independent group creative activity, crowdsourcing, participation in social network communities. Conclusion. The activities of different age’s communities in the fields of non-formalized education in creating event-based educational networks require changes in the activities of the leaders of the formalized education system, including the creation of conditions for children and adults and an appropriately organized territory for the nonformalized application of creative forces and imagination.
Keywords: different age’s communities, non-formalized education, event-based educational networks, (self) organization, independent activity, Eurasian countries
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 125 — 133
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