DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-4-48-56
Introduction. The article examines one of the forms of speech aggression presented in Internet communication. Trolling is a phenomenon that develops along with new Internet technologies, is characteristic exclusively of network discourse and is embodied in provocative remarks. Trolling is a form of speech aggression, it is due to the nature of the Internet discourse. The purpose of the article is to study trolling as one of the forms of speech aggression in Internet communication. Material and methods. The material was publications and comments in the community of Russian schoolchildren on the Vkontakte social network. Discourse analysis became the main method. When selecting the material, the method of continuous sampling was applied. Results and discussion. The article actualizes the manifestation of speech aggression in the network communication of Russian schoolchildren, in particular, trolling techniques, strategies and tactics, through which this form of speech aggression is implemented, are considered and characterized. Among the techniques of provocative behavior most frequently used by schoolchildren on the Internet, one can single out the technique of refuting public opinion through oppositional statements and the technique of getting personal. The main strategy of trolling is the strategy of provocation, which is implemented through various tactics: ridiculing the opponent, tactics of total denial and a sharp change in the behavior of the communicant. Trolling as a form of speech aggression in Internet communication always finds its expression in provocative remarks. According to its linguo-pragmatic status, trolling is a statement based on the potential for conflict. This form of speech aggression is realized as a conflict communicative act that can develop according to several scenarios. Community themes determine the use of provocative remarks within the framework of trolling concerning specific areas of school life. The main goal of network provocateurs is always a communicative conflict. Conclusion. The relevance of the study of speech aggression in the school environment is dictated by the fact that the Internet is by far the most popular communication platform for adolescents. In addition, virtual discourse has become the area where verbal aggression finds its most vivid expression.
Keywords: speech aggression, trolling, provocation, Internet communication, conflict
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 48 — 56
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