DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-5-26-36
Introduction. This article considers the idea of developing a methodological system for teaching higher mathematics based on the Theory of Generations, taking into account the generational characteristics of each generation of students. The purpose of the research presented in the publication is to conceptualize the idea of building a methodological system of blended learning in higher mathematics for students of a technical university based on the Theory of Generations. Methods and material. The analysis of the philosophical and historical aspects of the development of the education system made it possible to single out the theoretical and methodological base of the study, based on the provisions of the Theory of Generations. Revealed topical problems and further proposed a technology for their solution. At the empirical stage of the study, diagnostic methods were used (questioning, conversation, interviewing, computer testing, monitoring), experimental and statistical methods. Results and discussion. The use of key provisions of the Theory of Generations to resolve contradictions and urgent problems of modern education and society as a whole has been substantiated. The main stages of the development of a methodological system of blended learning in higher mathematics are revealed, in which the generational values of students are the backbone factor. A model of a methodical system of blended learning in higher mathematics based on the Theory of Generations is proposed. Scientific novelty. For the first time in pedagogical research in the construction of a methodological training system, the principles of the Theory of Generations are proposed as a system-forming factor. Conclusion. The methodological system of blended learning in higher mathematics, created on the basis of the principles of the Theory of Generations, is a promising, flexible tool for organizing the educational process, both in teaching students of the present generation and for subsequent generations of students.
Keywords: methodical system, pedagogical system, Theory of Generations, information and communication technologies, blended learning, system analysis, system-forming factor
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 26 — 36
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