DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-5-37-45
Introduction. The problem of training competent specialists in the sphere of service and production has remained relevant over the past decade. The demand for personnel with professional linguistic competence sets a problem for the teaching community to develop new training courses and programs in a foreign language of a specialty, an important component of which is mastering the language of the professional sphere. Teaching aids and textbooks on the language of the specialty are being created. However, the question of creating textbooks for single-subject specialists, for whom a foreign language is a tool for carrying out their professional activities, remains open. Aim and objectives. The aim is to create a model of a textbook on a foreign language for specific purposes in the sphere of tourism. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development and application of new models of language training for narrow-profile specialists. Material and methods. The material of the research is based on the theoretical works of national and foreign scientists working in the system of professional training for the sphere of production and services. The methods used at the empirical and theoretical levels are in close interaction: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, scientific observation, generalization of experience, analysis and synthesis, comparison, modeling, extrapolation. The empirical basis of the research is the results of the practical application of the competence-based approach and the communicative method in teaching French to personnel in the field of tourism. Results and discussion. Many years of experience in training personnel for the tourism sector showed the effectiveness of the competence-based approach in teaching French for specific purposes, the effectiveness of the program “French in the sphere of tourism” and revealed the necessity to design a textbook on French for specific purposes. The proposed author’s model of the textbook «French in the sphere of tourism» is intended for students of linguistic universities, faculties of tourism, staff of hotels and travel agencies. The structure of the textbook includes the following components: course modularity, special vocabulary (terms and professional jargon), a list of professional skills and communicative situations of business communication, methodological techniques that allow students to form a readiness for professional activity using a foreign language. Conclusion. The developed and tested French language courses in the sphere of tourism follow the main/basic principle of the language for specific purposes – the use of authentic materials: guides, catalogs, travel brochures, travel guides, as well as websites of hotels, tour operators, and regions of France. However, learners need a teaching aid for the proposed course. A textbook is needed, which will systematically present the modules, the tasks of mastering each module, the specifics of exercises/tests and the requirements for the tasks of the module. The author’s model of the textbook “French in the sphere of tourism” is focused on specialization in three sectors: hotel and restaurant business, tourism as an industry/service sector, where the realia of industrial, organizational and managerial culture are of great importance. The emphasis is on the formation of appropriate psychological attitudes of service personnel in accordance with the requirements of European service standards. This textbook model can be extrapolated to other languages and training profile.
Keywords: foreign language for specific purposes, linguistic and professional competence, modular structure, a textbook model, training of specialists, tourism
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 37 — 45
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