DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-5-46-52
Introduction. The article discusses the possibility of forming a literary type of speech culture of undergraduates with the help of personal reflection, which allows students to realize themselves as a linguistic person, identify and analyze models of communicative behavior and the possibility of changing them. At the same time, the experience of conflict between the established way of speech behavior and its change in order to improve communication is not suppressed, but exacerbated and leads to the mobilization of the resources of the linguistic personality to achieve the solution of communicative tasks. Personal reflection performs the function of self-determination of the individual in the process of realizing that communication as a sphere of human existence can change and thereby affect the quality of attitudes in society. The author substantiates the need to actualize the reflexive mechanism in learning as a key quality of the bearer of the literary type of speech culture, according to the classification of O. B. Sirotinina, I. A. Sternin. Aim and objectives. Analysis of the influence of the factor of personal reflection in teaching on improving the level of speech culture of university students. Material and methods. Further, the article presents the educational and methodological experience of the formation of the literary type of speech culture of undergraduates in the course of studying the discipline «Speech culture of academic and professional interaction». The examples of practical work with students to improve the communicative qualities of speech as components of speech culture through introspection are described. Based on the analysis of the value attitude of students to the communicative qualities of speech and the classification features of the carriers of the literary type of speech culture, the problematic aspects of its formation are identified. Results and discussion. The result of the study is the identification of the most vulnerable places in the formation of speech culture: these are such significant qualities of speech as purity and expressiveness. The main factor in the violation of the purity of speech is the loyal attitude of students to obscene language. The article describes the experience of changing the attitude towards the use of invectives in the course of reflection. Analysis of the use of obscene language in the personal language practice of students, its functions in speech and the negative impact on communication changes the attitude towards the use of foul language, leads to an understanding of the need for its limited use. Violation of purity, in turn, is associated with a violation of the expressiveness of speech. An important understanding of the need to develop this quality becomes, firstly, students’ awareness of the influence of expression and imagery of speech on the addressee, and secondly, understanding the individuality of the image as an expression of the speaker’s personality, personal experiences, feelings, impressions. Conclusion. The article concludes that an important task of using reflection is the task of self-development, the identification of personal language problems and speech deficiencies and the possibility of working with them in the future in order to form a literary type of speech culture.
Keywords: speech culture, reflection, linguistic personality, communicative qualities of speech
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 46 — 52
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