DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-1-93-101
Introduction. The relevance of the study is determined by the need for further development of the issues of structuring a conversational speech work from the standpoint of text linguistics, the problems of which are concentrated around the study of the rules of cohesion (connectivity) of components in the structural organization of texts. The novelty of the research lies in the substantiation of the selection of such a unit of coherent dialogical text (we are talking about the artistic sphere of communication) as a “fragment of dialogue”. Material and methods. The material of the study is the play by G. Pinter “Last to Go” – a sample of a small dramatic form. Dialogue is analyzed in the aspect of the segment of the dialog fragments in accordance with the selected criteria. The methodological base is a set of research methods: a scientific description, textual, contextual analysis. Results and discussion. It is proved that a fragment of a dialogue as a unit of coherent dialogical speech is suprasegment in relation to the previously identified traditional dialogical units (utterance, dialogic unity). As criteria for its identification, structural-semantic and communicative-functional grounds are formulated, which allow the author’s meta-comments (author’s remarks), meaningfully correlated with the topic of speech, to be included in the boundaries of the selected dialogical unit. An utterance, a dialogical unity and a fragment of a dialogue constitute a three-level system of dialogical discourse from subsegment (utterance), segment (dialogical unity) to supra-segment (dialogue fragment). The utterance, the dialogic unity and the dialog fragment are both a construction and communicative unit of discourse. In the latter case, certain structural components can be distinguished in a fragment of the dialogue. Based on the features of the dialogue in literary works, the fragments of the dialogue in literary works include the preface, a structural combination of speeches of characters in the literary discourse and remark, commenting on the characteristics of the characters’ speech activity, and the end of communicative actions. Conclusion. Putting forward the concept of “fragment of dialogue” expands the scope of research of dialogical text and forms a theoretical basis for defining units of dialogue discourse from a communicative perspective.
Keywords: utterance, dialogical unity, dialogue fragment, dialogic text, text linguistics, Harold Pinter
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 93 — 101
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