DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-2-77-85
Introduction. In the modern world, human life is impossible to imagine without the use of various digital resources. The transition to the digital economy dictates new needs associated with modern equipment and software, primarily with the training of competitive personnel for the future digital economy, on which Russia’s positioning and opportunities in the global economic market depend. The competencies of young professionals that were in demand a few years ago and seemed promising, for example, confident use of a computer, now seem basic. In an ever-changing world, it is important to start training future specialists for the digital economy in a timely manner, since retraining and training of personnel will require large time resources. In this case, there is an acute question of teaching staff who would be able to start the process of training young professionals. The role of such personnel is played by school teachers, on whom the quality of training of future personnel depends, and consequently, the speed of the country’s transition to full digitalization of all spheres of life. To train future staff, teachers need to master new competencies and needs that are dictated by modern society and the labor market. Thus, the issue of comprehensive retraining and advanced training of school teachers is acute. Material and methods. The author substantiates the development and implementation of a professional development course for teachers, briefly describes the sections, significance and methods of implementing the course. Results and discussion. Developed and conducted a professional development course for teachers dedicated to digital educational resources in the framework of the project “Digital Educational Environment”. Conclusion. Teachers who have successfully completed advanced training courses acquire new skills and improve their previous competencies in the field of digital educational resources, which allows teachers to revise the usual teaching methods, make the learning model more flexible and individual for each student. And also start training for life in the era of digitalization and the digital economy.
Keywords: digital technologies, digitalization of education, courses for teachers, national projects, digital environment, digital resources
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 77 — 85
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