DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-3-15-22
Introduction. Talk-shows are a popular genre of modern television, which leads to an interest in their study. A tough scenario with distributed roles of participants, the conflicting nature of communication between them form a semantic space in which conflicting norms, values, and assessments collide. The framing of interpersonal relations, broadcast in the programs, allows you to reconstruct the model of the world that this genre is broadcasting. Aim and objectives – modeling of frames reflecting the semantic space of programs “Andrey Malakhov. Pryamoy efir”. Material and methods. The article examines the titles and annotations of episodes of one of the entertaining talk shows on Russian television “Andrey Malakhov. Pryamoy efir” for the first half of 2018. The texts were taken from the official website of the Russia 1 channel. The volume of the material under study is 110 annotations with titles. In relation to the original video recordings, annotations are interpretive type secondary texts. Introspection, content analysis of frequency speech units, contextual analysis of all speech words are used as methods preceding framing. Thus, the procedure for allocating frames is based on qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. Results and discussion. Frames selected from the annotation texts of the talk show “Andrey Malakhov. Pryamoy efir”, consist of four slots: “subject X” – the main character of the program, “object Y” – his opponent (in some frames it is deactivated), “predicate RD” – the dominant speech action, “subject P” – discussed in the program situations. One of the common frames “X blames Y-a for P” is contained in the annotations for the 22nd programs. X and / or Y are usually public figures or persons associated with them. The subject and the object are expressed by identifying proper names, nominations for belonging to a social group, terms of legal discourse, characterizing lexemes. The negatively colored characteristics of X-am and Y-am are given from the side of the carriers of the opposite point of view. In most of the designations of the participants in the program, conflicts are initially laid down. The predicate of speech action is the verb “accuse”. As part of the annotations, the accusation is expressed explicitly (“accused”), either in neutral speech words that introduce defamatory information (she said that...), or lexemes denoting the negative emotional state of the accuser (outraged). The basis for the accusation, “Situation P”, is usually expressed explicitly, directly related to the topics of the programs; explicit nominations alternate with those where an indication of the reason for the accusation is contained in the presupposive component of the statement. Conclusion. By framing annotations, it is shown how the semantic space of the talk show “Andrey Malakhov. Pryamoy efir” is arranged. Based on the comparison of texts, identification of their similarities and differences in different parameters, eight global speech actions used in the format of this program were identified. One of the most frequent speech actions is accusation. Modeling the frame “X blames Y-a for P” made it possible to determine the typical participants in communication, typical life situations, to generalize this information within the boundaries of the slots. It is obvious that the predicate “speech act of accusation” is of a conflicting nature. The filling of the slots “subject X”, “object Y”, “situation P – grounds for accusation” confirmed the conflicting charge of the talk show’s semantic space. The same appraisal nomination within the program can be ambivalent – correlated with the accuser and the accused, which “dilutes” the position of the talk show creators. Along with evaluative ambivalence, the publicity of the participants and their placement in the field of legal discourse increase the degree of conflict of the considered television genre.
Keywords: TV discourse, talk-show, “Andrey Malakhov. Pryamoy efir”, annotations, frame, conflict, accusation
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 15 — 22
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