DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-3-88-96
Introduction. The article deals with the problem of perception of the canonical Russian literature texts by contemporary readers. The 200th anniversary of N. A. Nekrasov is a significant occasion for reflection on the place of the poet’s heritage in the cultural memory and linguistic consciousness of the contemporary Russian native speakers. ‘Winged’ words and expressions from Nekrasov’s works have been an important part of the intertextual thesaurus of the native Russian speakers for many decades. Largely, it is due to unchangeable place of the poet’s works in school literature programs. The aim of the article is to show the changes in the intertextual thesaurus associated with the perception of winged words from t Nekrasov’s works. Material and methods. ‘Winged’ words from Nekrasov’s works are a significant part of the precedent phenomena corpus resented in the consciousness of a linguistic personality. The lexicographic sources and the Russian National Corpus evidence this. The data was also taken from a survey of contemporary writers and critics carried out by the Central Universal Science Nekrasov Library for the poet’s 200th anniversary. The results of a mass survey in which about 1,000 people participated were used to study the dynamic processes characterizing the differences in the cultural memory of young people. The respondents had to determine the authorship of the expressions written by several writers and poets, including Nekrasov, and continue some of them. Results and. discussion. The analysis of the questionnaires of famous contemporary writers and Nekrasov’s legacy still has a significant place in the modern cultural space. At the same time, the article results confirm the opinion that Nekrasov’s works have mainly form of the clichéd phrases in the thesaurus of youth. Conclusion. The conducted mass survey indicates a clear change in the cultural code of a young contemporary reader, a noticeable poverty of the intertextual thesaurus. This may be an obstacle to the cultural dialogue of different generations representatives, as well as to the adequate perception of texts.
Keywords: classical canon, cultural code, intertextual thesaurus, citation, precedent names
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 88 — 96
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