DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2022-3-97-106
Introduction. The study of the concept “life” has been carried out lately from the point of view of different linguistic stances (linguoculture, cognitive linguistics, rhetoric, etc.). The abundance of papers which explore the above-mentioned concept is justified by the fact that it is existentialistically important for the whole nation and for each individual. The aim is to reveal the peculiarities of the concept “life” in the belles-lettres world picture of the Siberian writer G. I. Klimovskaya. Material and methods. The study of the short novel “Onka” by G. I. Klimovskaya is carried out from the point of view of regulativity theory which is one of the directions of communicative text stylistics. Moreover, with the aim of revealing the peculiarities of the concept “life” the theory of V. I. Karasik was taken into account according to which the imaginative, notional, and axiological components in the concept structure are differentiated. Results and discussion. It is stated that the concept “life” in the short novel “Onka” by G. I. Klimovskaya is represented by such words as “life”, “live” and their derivatives, by the lexemes “alive” and “tenant”. It is established that in the notional component of the concept under study the prevalent are the semes ‘duration’ and ‘quality’, for the imaginative component the metaphor “life/death” – “scales” is characteristic which is not singled out while describing the Russian language world picture. The explicit connection of the concept “life” with the concepts “illness”, “love”, “death” is noted; the concept “life” is implicitly connected with the concept “God”. It is shown that the concept “life” in the short novel “Onka” is a hyper-concept that is formed on the basis of the through consecutive-comparative-synthesizing linguocognitive mechanism. This linguocognitive mechanism of the stimulating in the reader’s consciousness of the hyper-concept “life” is provided by the strong explicit regulative strategy of the consecutive-comparative type. Repetition and contrast are the predominant ways of regulativity that create the singled-out strategy and ensure the efficiency of the dialogue between the writer and the reader. Conclusion. The carried-out analysis lets us come to the conclusion that the concept “life” is not only of great value for G. I. Klimovskaya but also holds a valuable place in the belles-lettres world of the Siberian writer.
Keywords: communicative stylistics, theory of regulativity, concept “life”, regulative strategy, world picture, prose text
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 97 — 106
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