Linguistic ways of expressing emotions (to the issue of the generalized language emotivity model")
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-3-7-14
An anthropological approach in the language study caused the appearance and vigorous development of a new branch in linguistics called emotiology, that studies the relationships between emotions and the language. In the paper, language units of different levels for expressing emotions are observed as they are crucial for classification of different approaches to the analysis of the stated object. Practical significance of the present study is connected with the possibility to use the presented scheme of analysis on the material of different languages and types of discourse. Aim and objectives are to perform a theoretical review of scientific theories concerning the ways of representing emotions on different language levels. Moreover, an attempt of discovering hierarchy between emotive units of different levels similar to the one of language units is made. The hierarchy supposes that each succeeding level is based on a preceding one. The thematic justification is caused by the necessity to create the model of integral functioning of the emotive units. Material and methods include analysis and synthesis of the material on the linguistic representation of emotions on the base of the Russian language, generalization of the factual scientific theories. Emotive units are found at each level of the language system. At the phonetic level, emotive phonetic meaning is discovered. The connection between emotive units of different levels is observed. It allows to use neighboring levels for studying emotive units of a single level. In texts, emotionality is expressed in an integrated manner. That allows to perceive and create emotional texts prudently and efficiently, which is especially important in texts of political content, propaganda and advertising, etc. Due to the numerousness and complexity of emotions, their linguistic representations are also complex. The observed hierarchy of emotive units suggests total realization of the language emotive potential on the text level. Creation of generalized «theoretical framework» aimed at the concept of ways and means of expressing emotions on different language levels is crucial for further application of the corpus to empirical material analysis.
Keywords: emotiology, emotivity, emotive, emotive phonetic meaning (EPS), expressive-evaluative morpheme, emotive lexicon
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 7 — 14
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