Educational text as a type of text and an object of scientific description: a review of approaches to the determination of functional and typological properties
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-3-32-39
In the organisation educational interaction today there are dynamic processes associated with its transformation into a multicultural and multilingual interactive environment, the implementation of the tasks of competence-based learning, updating the bank of technological tools and methods of educational and methodological support. The foregoing determines the steady interest of scientists in the study of educational texts as an independent variety of texts. The main provisions of the history of the study of educational texts as a type of text and scientific object in modern humanities are systematized and summarized. The material of the study was special scientific sources of methodological and linguistic orientation, which form the basis of the modern theory of educational text. The research methodology is the complex use of logical (analysis, synthesis, analogy) and theoretical (generalization, systematization, description) general scientific methods. Based on the specifics shown in relation to the interpretation of the educational text from the standpoint of didactic and linguistic approaches, this type of text is defined as an independent unit – a speech work with multifunctionality and a set of textual features that are updated differently in different situations of educational interaction between the teacher and the student. Among the implemented functions, the key functions are communicative and didactic, and the latter has the status of the dominant one. Text features are characterized by a set of ways, forms and means of presentation at the genre, stylistic and discursive text levels. The reason for the polyphony that exists today in the scientific community regarding the definition of the essential content, structural, pragmatic features of an educational text is the impossibility of an unambiguous interpretation of its genre and stylistic nature, discursive implementation space, as well as the existence of multiple interpretations of the cultural and conceptual resources of texts of the analyzed type. At the present stage of development of the humanities, the educational text is an interesting object of scientific research, comprehended as an independent type of text, which has both general text properties and specific ones. The prospects of the research are related to the further expansion of the understanding of the educational text in accordance with the most relevant areas of research in science, in particular, within the framework of the problems of linguoculturology, discourse studies, linguoconceptology and conceptual didactics.
Keywords: theory of educational text, universal and differential features of educational text, educational discourse, educational and scientific sub-style of scientific style, genres of educational texts
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 32 — 39
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