Russian iconic words visual perception, taking into account the neurocognitive profile
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-4-7-16
The article presents the results of Russian iconic words visual perception, taking into account the neurocognitive profile of the participants and using the “Lexical Solution” method in participants with a right-handedness and left-handedness. The procedure of psychosemantic research was carried out according to the classical scheme of “Lexical decision” in the paradigm of making a decision about a semantic stimulus as a word or not a word with a limited time to choose. Each participant was presented with three types of stimuli: sound-imitative (SI) words, divided into 4 groups according to the stages of deiconization or loss of iconicity (32 words – 8 from each group), non-SI words (32), non-words (64) in random order. During the test, the following series of indicators were recorded: the time of identification, the number of identification errors, the number of delays. The experimental session was preceded by a training session, during which 10 words and non-words were presented in random order. Also within the framework of this research, classical methods of assessing the neurocognitive profile of the participants were used. Based on the analysis of the results of the study, it can be concluded that respondents with left-handedness are characterized by rigidity and weak automation of cognitive functions, impulsivity, a wider range of equivalence. Participants with a leading left hand also, were more likely to give incorrect answers in the samples “SI-1”, “SI-3” and “non word”, spend more time and more often do not have time to give an answer to the SI-stimulus compared to right-handed respondents. At the same time, subjects with a leading right-hand visual perception of sound-forming words are more often more accurate than subjects with left-handers. The conducted study indicates statistically significant differences in the accuracy and speed of recognition of DI stimuli of different types in people who are right-handed or left-handed. The results obtained require additional clarifications on a larger sample to confirm the available data, which may be the next stage of the study.
Keywords: left-handedness, neurocognitive profile, psychosemantics, sound acuity, lexical solution
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 7 — 16
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