The image of a drunkard in the artistic picture of the world by Sergey Dovlatov (compared to the national picture of the world): axiological aspect of interpretation
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-4-17-25
This paper examines the image of a drinking man in the artistic picture of the world by Sergey Dovlatov, compared to the national picture of the world. The goal is to discuss the similarities and differences in the attitude towards a drinking person, the key characteristics of a drinking person in the national and artistic picture of the world. We perform this study on the materials of the Russian Associative Dictionary (with the use of phraseology materials) and the texts by Sergey Dovlatov (using the National Corpus of the Russian language). We employ the methods of contextual analysis and of studying the national and artistic picture of the world. In both pictures of the world there is sympathy and an idea of the “fate” of a drinking person. The bearers of the negative assessment prevailing in the national picture of the world, in the texts by Sergey Dovlatov, are individual characters who are not “positive”, non-drinking characters seem to be something amazing, mysterious. We characterize the description of the effect of alcohol on a person and the surrounding world in the works Sergey Dovlatov. We counted the episodes of alcohol consumption and the number of characters involved in them in the works of S. D. Dovlatov to prove the importance of the image of people drinking. Sergey Dovlatov gives drunkards positive qualities (inner freedom, talent, contempt for material values). Alcohol “colors” the world in pink tones and helps the heroes to live.
Keywords: axiological aspect, national picture of the world, Russian language, Sergey Dovlatov, alcohol consumption, artistic picture of the world
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 17 — 25
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