Language representation of the concept “loneliness” in the G. G. Marquez’s novel “One Hundred Years of Solitude”
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-4-52-59
The ways of verbalizing the concept “loneliness” in the original text of G. G. Marquez’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude”. The analysis made it possible to model the concept by constructing its semantic field, highlighting the core and peripheral zones of the concept. It is shown that the artistic concept has its own distinctive features and requires a special method of analysis. The purpose of this study is to identify ways of verbalizing and modeling the concept of loneliness in the novel by G. G. Marquez “One Hundred Years of Solitude” (on the material of the Spanish language). The novelty of the work lies in the fact that it carried out a conceptual analysis of loneliness in the original text, which has not yet been included in the field of linguistic research: a semantic field has been built, the core and peripheral zones of the concept have been identified, cognitive signs have been established for each of the core lexemes, and also cognitive features of objective images. The research material is the novel by G. G. Marquez “One Hundred Years of Solitude” in the Spanish language. The empirical base of the study was formed using a descriptive method, which included the use of a continuous sample. In addition, the study uses the method of conceptual text analysis, which includes methods for describing the core and periphery of the concept, analyzing dictionary definitions and describing the content of the concept. As a result of the analysis of the methods of verbalization of the concept of loneliness, the semantic field of the concept was modeled, its core and periphery were identified. The core zone of the concept includes the keyword-representative of the concept and other lexical units of the derivational nest. Three groups of lexemes nominating loneliness, as well as images of loneliness created with the help of metaphorical means, were assigned to the periphery of the concept. The concept can be modeled by referring to the construction of a semantic field. The analysis showed that the semantic field of the concept of loneliness is a complex system, the units of which are united by common semantic features. The concept “loneliness” is verbalized in the novel by means of lexemes included in the core and periphery of the concept. In addition, the images of loneliness, presented with the help of metaphorical means, are of great importance.
Keywords: artistic concept, concept of loneliness, semantic field, metaphorical means
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 52 — 59
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