The verbal mask in terms of communicative mimicry
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-4-119-126
The article examines communicative mimicry. Different opinions as to its nature are compared; differences in researchers’ approaches to it are defined, on which basis the author concludes that communicative mimicry can be seen both in a narrow and in a broad way. In the first case we speak only about the unconscious adaptation, adjustment to the interlocutor’s verbal behavior without any prejudice to one’s own verbal identity, while in the second case such mimicry is a conscious communicative strategy, a verbal mask, the goal of which is to influence the interlocutor by means of manipulation. The basis of the speech mask as communication strategy is the need to adapt to the interlocutor depending on the specific situation of communication. The author notes that in the linguistic sense, mimicry – is a process of adaptation and ability to adapt. At the same time people have varying degrees of ability to adapt, which depends not only on the level of communicative competence, but also on the purpose of communication, as well as the identity of the interlocutor. The analysis of the linguistic material leads us to the conclusion on two views of the communicative mimicry: the authors recognize that the ability to adapt is important and necessary, on the other hand they fear that someone else’s imitation washes away one’s own uniqueness and personality’s individuality. Comprehending the phenomenon of communicative mimicry, writers define such goals as 1) a desire to please, 2) a necessary condition for corporate communication, 3) for an effective manipulative influence.
Keywords: communicative mimicry, speech mask, communicative strategy, manipulative influence, speech behavior
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 119 — 126
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