Forms of expression of the author’s consciousness in N. Shchukin’s children’s poetry
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-4-136-144
Literature for children is a whole layer of Komi literature, which is little studied today. There are critical articles that reveal the thematic and figurative originality of poetic works for children, but there are no separate works in which the poems of Komi poets would be considered from the point of view of their subject organization. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the approach to the analysis of N. Shchukin’s poems from the point of view of their subjective organization. Based on the analysis of literary material, it was established that in his work the predominant forms of expression of the author’s consciousness are the lyrical hero and the subject-poetic world. The Komi poet’s children’s poetry is characterized by such a lyrical hero, which reflects both the childish and adult beginnings, but with the obvious dominance of the adult. A lyrical hero is a person for whom childhood impressions become memories in adulthood. The fact that the adult beginning prevails in the poems is indicated by the time factor: the unity of the present with the past is reflected through the verbs. The lyrical hero occupies a certain, but not dominant position. In N. Shchukin’s children’s poetry, the subject-poetic world becomes the main form of expression of the author’s consciousness. A feature of the poems is that the poet in them, with the help of colors, focuses the attention of young readers on discovering the simple and discreet beauty of the northern nature. However, the use of metaphorical animation of natural phenomena, the use of verbs and the sound orchestration of works create an image of an unusual, fabulously magical wildlife, which makes it possible for children to feel, feel and hear the world around them. The poetic world as a way of expressing the author’s consciousness in N. Shchukin’s children’s lyrics is also manifested in poems based on artistic techniques of the folklore genre form – riddles. In this poetic work, objects are given in bright, expressive, but at the same time, details understandable to children, correlated with his life experience in his native land.
Keywords: N. Shchukin, Komi literature, children’s poetry, lyrical hero, poetic world, landscape, riddle poems
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 136 — 144
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