The article deals with creolized texts consisting of verbal and nonverbal (paragraphemic) elements. With a change of the scientific paradigm studying of a language with its links with other semiotic systems, including non-verbal code becomes very topical. The main method of creolization of a text is to combine a verbal means and an image into a coherent whole linguo-visual formation. A fashion catalogue is a typical creolized text created by the model of: a verbal text is equal to an image. That means that it is primarily created as a creolized text where the verbal and the visual components are specially selected for their interaction. A photographic image for fashion catalogue clients (readers) has a greater degree of significance, than a verbal (written) text. Here colour plays a special role, its psychological language creates a mood, evokes emotions and has symbolic meanings.
Keywords: text, creolized text, linguo-visual elements, verbal and nonverbal means, paralinguistics, semiotics, polycode phenomena, paragraphemics, heterogeneous text, communication
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Issue: 10, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 153 — 156
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