This article is devoted to the analysis of functions of metaphors in the structure of a narrative. Modern understanding of such concepts as discourse metaphor and metaphorical subtexts are being described. A hypotheses that the metaphorical fields play the integrating role being the bridge between referent and communical sides of the narrative is being suggested. The analysis of the ways of metaphorical indexation of a narrative strategy is based on B. Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago. Narrative strategy is regarded as a kind of interaction between the subject, object and adressee of discourse. B. Pasternak's novel implements the strategy of 'revelation' bearing such important characteristics as narrator being an impersonal one, the story being a 'quest for the sence', convergent position of a reader being programmed. This communication model is expressed not only at the levels of plot events and themes, but also by using specific metaphorical fields. This article deals with the particular subtext of 'cover and revelation' which is represented in the text of the novel by images of fabric, threads, sewing, knitting that can be found in descriptions of many different plot events and characters. Conclusion is drawn that the narration in the novel is a 'cover' for poetry and, contrawise, Zhivago's poems depend of the narrative events.
Keywords: narratology, narrative, narrative strategy, metaphor, metaphorical index, Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago, subtext of
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Issue: 11, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 83 — 88
Downloads: 1054