DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-131-135
The artice discusses the role of lifelong learning for professional activity as a vital instrument providing both, current and perspective needs of labour market. Lifelong learning fulfills three main functions – professional, social and personal. One of the ways to deliver such kind of education is involving professional development programs, which can be delivered through in-service training in various formats (distant, face-to-face, autonomous learning). These programs can be arranged within various timescales with regard to government regulations and employer requirements. In addition, the staff participating in design, elaboration and implementation of these programs should meet the latest professional requirements in their area. It is suggested that professional competence among academics as people functioning like conductors between industrial sector and adult learners is of vital importance. For that reason, special attention is drawn to the programs for academics and doctoral training. As an illustrative example, the experience of participating in a PhD program at the University of Sheffield (UK) is described. This program is characterized as highly individualized, which leads to sufficient outcomes among learners. Along with that, the authors propose to borrow key aspects from Sheffield experience and adapt them for doctoral training in Russia. Finally, urgent problems in academics development are outlined, further steps and solutions are offered.
Keywords: lifelong learning, academics, professional development, doctoral training, leading overseas universities
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 131 — 135
Downloads: 1030