DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-48-55
In the XXI century sport begins to return the position which it lost at the end of the last century. The Olympic Games-2014 in Sochi, the introduction of GTO (Ready for Labor and Defense ) standards (especially for schoolchildren and students) and the additional points for admission to universities for the delivery of these norms, various sporting events of the regional level – all these things make an impact on the formation of the positive sport’s image among the modern youth. In accordance with this indicator, we have established the percentage of students of higher and secondary education who are engaged in physical culture and sports. We used the technique of the linguistic and cognitive modeling of the concept’s maintenance. We developed the reference points of the sport’s image model on the basis of results of an associative experiment. From the positions of cognitive linguistics it is possible to offer the following definition of the sport’s image: sport’s image is a mental construct formed by means of information influence for the purpose of fixing in the picture of the world of the addressee of a steady set of representations and associations connected with sport. The results of the experiment allow to draw a conclusion that in language consciousness of the native speakers the concept has more values, than it is described in the dictionaries. The results of the associative experiment and the poll allow us to offer the following reference points for modeling of the sport’s image. 1. It is necessary to use the words connected with the concept for the concept’s verbalization in the different types of the propaganda materials designed for young people. 2. It is worth thinking of development of the parallel advertizing campaigns designed for different target audiences taking into account gender aspect. 3. Such way of formation of the image as involvement in this activity of the famous athletes, in this case seems to us demanding a further research.
Keywords: sport’s image, propaganda, concept, associative experiment, associative field of a concept
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 48 — 55
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