DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-42-47
Studying at the higher school requires a certain level of readiness to integrate into university community. Disability to meet the challenges they face may become demotivating factor, impede their progress in academia and lead to subsequent departure. The core idea of the article is promoting well-being-oriented education programme for first-year students’ personal self-change. The study identifies the possible roots of the student’s subjective response to their failure within the academic environment. The article provides a description of the issues relevant to both teachers’ and students’ areas of responsibility, that make influence on the success of integration into academic community. Grounded on a set of subject-field factors, a survey was set for the first-year students of different fields of study (n = 511). This method was aimed to reveal the level of students’ perception of their transition and introduction to academic community. The follow-on purpose was to encourage self-awareness of teachers and students. Analysis of the survey data indicates the venues of instructional practices enhancement, strategies for adjustment issues optimization in terms of personality and cognitive development. A good move to actualize the process of students self-improvement is orientation program geared towards event-directed approach. Empiric evidence can possibly be addressed during new student orientation programme development, facilitate a solution to the problem of impersonality in the educational process in higher school.
Keywords: school-to-university transition, induction into academia culture, transition difficulties, selfimprovement, self-awareness, teacher-learner interaction, introductory practice, self-organization game
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 42 — 47
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