DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-109-117
There is the problem of diagnostics of readiness of future mathematics teachers for professional activity in connection with the transition of higher education to the new standards based on the competence, personality-oriented and activity approaches to teaching. The concept of “readiness for professional activity” is associated with the concept of “professional competence”. The analysis of works on the diagnosis of professional competence from the point of view of psychodidactics allows us to identify certain requirements for the diagnosis of readiness of future mathematics teachers for professional activity: diagnostics should be carried out in the form of monitoring, thereby, its developmental function is realized; monitoring involves the use of the means of pedagogical support in case of educational difficulties of the diagnosed, thereby realizing the teaching function of the diagnostics; it should include the means of self-diagnosis, thereby the educational function of diagnostics is being realized. The designing of diagnostic materials for this monitoring was carried out using the example of diagnosing the readiness of future mathematics teachers to learn to solve text problems – one of the important components of mathematical training. Educational texts were developed in accordance with the structure of the problem-solving process, based on the requirements for diagnostics. Texts allow future mathematics teachers to estimate their readiness in the following areas of professional activity: the analysis of learners’ difficulties in solving problems; methodical work at the stage of the task condition analysis; use of various methods for solving text problems; additional work on the task; designing tasks aimed at learning problem-solving; comparison, recognition and construction of teaching texts; the use of historical and methodical experience in problem solving.
Keywords: diagnostics of readiness of future teachers for professional activity, monitoring, educational texts, training in solving text problems
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 109 — 117
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