DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-6-20-24
Cosmetology was born as a skill to look after one’s appearance, keep and underline one’s beauty with the help of various means and ways. In modern society where a special attention is paid to cosmetic beauty, the field of cosmetology producing and rending cosmetology services is flourishing. Cosmetology discourse is a type of professional communication connected with rending cosmetology services and creating (inventing), production (technology), advertising, protection, evaluation, marketing of cosmetology products. This discourse refers to hybrid, creolized discourse, using verbal, iconic and graphic codes. This article deals with French cosmetology discourse as one of the kinds of institutional discourse, which is a complexly organized and multi-component formation, the interaction of legislative (legal) discourse in the field of production, sale of cosmetics and rending cosmetology services, advertisement and cosmetology discourse, scientific and cosmetology discourse, academic cosmetology discourse, cosmetology media discourse, commercial discourse. The leading role belongs to the cosmetology discourse proper (esthetic medicine) in the sphere of professional communication. In its turn, each kind of the cosmetology discourse one can find polyphonic inclusions of the chemical (cosmetology), pharmaceutical, social, technical and other discourses. The complex discursive nature of the cosmetology discourse has generated a variety of genre forms.
Keywords: cosmetology, discourse, beauty, care, health, speech genre
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Issue: 6, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 20 — 24
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