DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-9-15
The article contains a fragment of the analysis of the semantics of the derivatives of dialect verbs of speech with the aim of studying the pragmatic aspects of linguistic meaning. Classification of dialectal verbs is carried out in accordance with the classification of lexico-semantic groups of commonly used Russian verbs. Cognitive models are defined in the formation of characterizing actions associated with speech activity. Examples of propositions of verbs are given. It is established that characterizing verbs of this group can have mono- and polypropositive structures. It turned out that for the nomination of situations related to the speech activity of people, the subject of the proposition is relevant. It was determined that one of the propositions of the verbs can reflect the objective properties of the named action, the other can be the result of evaluating these properties. It turned out that the evaluation is contained in the derived verbs formed from the estimated nouns or arises in the process of word formation on the basis of the metaphor. Actual for carriers of dialects are LSG verbs of verbal communication and LSG verbs of speech influence. Dialectal verbs usually reflect a conflict situation. To form these verbs, metaphorical models are used, complicated by the Fictitious modality and the emotional modality. Emotional assessment is able to influence the interlocutor. The presence of metaphorical names is explained by the anthropocentricity of the group and the special discourse. It turned out that for the speakers, the dialect is characterized by a negative attitude toward meaningless, unproductive, verbose arguments; to the moral discredit of the interlocutor (semes “scold”, “gossip”). Such qualities as intelligence, ability to convey information in a clear and accessible form are valued.
Keywords: proposition, semantics, speech activity, derived word, dialectal vocabulary, metaphorical model, evaluative vocabulary, subjective modality, idiomaticity
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 9 — 15
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