DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-6-97-104
Introduction. The activity of professional groups in the media environment has generated hybrid professional discourses that retain the typological features of the corresponding institutional discourses, while modified method and channel of communication has led to significant transformations in the structure of discourse and development of characteristic features peculiar to the media discourse. Aim and objectives. The study aims to determine the status and typological features of legal discourse produced and consumed within media. The objectives of the research include the correlation of the parameters of institutional discourse and media discourse, the role of each of them and the impact on the structure of hybrid discourse. Material and methods. The data include 300 texts of various styles and genres, constituting the content of professional legal groups on the social network Instagram: such as Internet memes; narratives representing the description of cases of professional practice. Results and discussion. In this study, the variety of legal discourse produced and consumed within the media is defined as an informal legal discourse on the basis that its core consists of the discourse-forming categories of institutional legal discourse. The sphere of functioning of the informal legal discourse is mass communication, which entails changes in the conceptual organization of discourse and the parameters of communication. The texts of the informal legal discourse acquire the characteristics of a “media text”, in which the verbal and media components are closely interrelated and combined with each other on the basis of a variety of principles. A specific way of communication determines a number of characteristics that bring legal informal discourse closer to everyday and humorous discourse and causes changes in stylistic and linguistic parameters. Conclusion. The analysis revealed the relationship between the parameters of the institutional legal discourse and the media discourse. The media environment is a fundamental condition that determines such parameters of the description of discourses as a method of communication and a mode. These parameters influenced changes in the structure of the institutional legal discourse at the communicative level and led to significant shifts in the communicative model due to the expansion of the concept of addressee. The media environment is a decisive factor in expanding the capabilities of a text that develops the characteristics of a “media text”. The specific way of communication has caused a number of characteristics that bring the legal informal discourse closer to the ordinary and humorous discourse and causes a change in the language norm.
Keywords: discourse, legal discourse, informal legal discourse, media, legal media discourse, mediatization
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 97 — 104
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