DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-6-121-134
Introduction.The article examines the topic of sea travel by Antonin Ladinsky using the example of the collection “Black and Blue”, the first in the poet’s work, in which the main lines of his poetry were formed, further developed in subsequent collections. Aim and objectives: to trace the semantics of sea navigation, taking into account the acmeistic influences on the poet by N. Gumilyov, for whom this topic was one of the main in his work and reflected the basic principles of the acmeistic worldview of the poet. Material and methods. The research methodology assumes a literary interpretation of lyric texts with an understanding of the theoretical foundations of the poetics of acmeism (“alien word”, polyphonic text, dynamic space, etc.). The method of intertextual analysis was also used when comparing texts belonging to different literary eras. Results and discussion. Ladinsky’s work was already the subject of scientific research, the poet’s orientation towards symbolism and acmeism was also noted, the difficulty of attributing his lyrics to any of these modernist movements was indicated. But sea voyage as the central theme of the first collection “Black and Blue” in the context of acmeistic poetics has not yet attracted the attention of researchers. We examined the influence of the Gumilev theme of sea voyages on the lyrics of Ant. Ladinsky in terms of the poet’s polemic with the master of acmeism, the originality of the topic under consideration is revealed in connection with his emigre experience. Conclusion. In the lyrics of Antonin Ladinsky, the sea voyage becomes a reflection of his path as an emigrant, and in this sence he argues with N. Gumilev, whose theme of sailing on the seas has a culturological meaning and reflects the acmeistic principle of cognizing Life through Art. The semantics of sea travel, in the context of acmeistic poetics, allows Ladinsky to say his word to the world, adding his voice to the mighty cultural choir of the singers of the sea. The acmeistic position turns out to be close to him by its earthly nature, and the symbolist one – by the awareness of the powerful force of otherness. Through dialogue with the “alien word”, the poet declares his own experience of mastering the world, which is different from both the Acmeists and the Symbolists. The tragic view of the world, conditioned by the situation of emigration, sounds in the first collection not yet in full force, the acmeistic “acceptance of reality” still has its “inertia”, but the awareness of what happened as a catastrophe and the path to the world of death has already occurred.
Keywords: Antonin Ladinsky, poetry of the Russian emigration of the first wave, the theme of sea travel, acmeistic poetics, symbolism, emigrant motives
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 121 — 134
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