Image-scheme “space” as a semantic foundation in term formation (on the russian legal terminology material)
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-4-35-42
The specifics of conceptual metaphors of the Russian legal terminology structured with SPACE image-schema is being investigated and analyzed. The aim of the article is to establish spatial configurations (trajectories) involved in the conceptual modeling of the Russian legal metaphorical terms and to identify the structures of spatial image-schemas involved in the conceptualization of the abstract concepts (domains) of the conceptual legal metaphorical terms. Spatial metaphorical projections (cognitive mapping) involved in the metaphoric modeling of Russian legal terminology are established. The specificity of the Russian legal metaphorical terms conceptualization is determined. The most frequently involved spatial structures are: SPACE ARRANGEMENT, MOVEMENT IN SPACE, POSITION IN SPACE. The detected image-schemes structure: path and trajectory (SOURCE – PATH – GOAL), the size of an object with dynamic transformation (SCALE), obstacles when moving in space (RESTRAINT), identity (LOCALIZATION), state (CONTAINER), scale (DISTANCE), awareness (LOCATION in RELATION to OBJECT). The specificity of spatial conceptualization of legal metaphorical terms is revealed through the aspect of content and structure. In terms of the content aspect, legal metaphorical terms describe legal events. Actions in legal discourse are conceptualized metaphorically through movements in space and structured via image schemes. This fact explains the variety of trajectories highlighted in spatial configurations. Abstract concepts of the legal sphere on which spatial configurations are projected are: ASSIGNMENTS/ OBLIGATIONS/POWERS and their LIMITS, INSTITUTIONAL COMMUNICATION, the SUBJECT OF MATERIAL RELATIONS and LAW FULFILLMENT in TIME The investigated configurations of spatial conceptualization with the help of image schemes in metaphorical modeling of the terminology of the legal sphere structure the sphere of law in a diverse way, highlighting different aspects of SPACE within metaphorization. The active structures are path, trajectory, size of the object, dynamics of transformation, obstacles to movement, identity, state, scale, awareness in space, vertical orientation. Spatial image – schemes are involved in the conceptualization of events, objects, processes of the institutional professional discourse of the legal sphere and may be found in all branches of law.
Keywords: space, legal metaphor term, image schema
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 35 — 42
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