Promotional videos to the russian language courses in online education
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-4-68-75
Introduction. The growing popularity of online learning has led to the emergence of many online learning platforms and courses, which makes it difficult for students to choose them. Thanks to the promotional videos, the potential listener can quickly understand the benefits of a particular course among the many available options. There are differences between promotional videos on different online education platforms. These differences relate to the ways of presenting promotional and informational material. In this study, we set a goal of identifying the optimal linguistic techniques in the advertising support of the linguistic educational resources. During the study, a comparative analysis of Promotional videos on two platforms “Education in Russian” and “Stepik” was carried out. The factors that determine the differences in the Promotional videos are revealed. Firstly, both platforms have different requirements for authors. Secondly, platforms are distinguished by their format (pictures, presentations, and visual series). Differences in the format determine the stylistic difference between the texts presented in the videos. The authors use their speech elements of different language styles: book-written and colloquial. This is especially evident at the lexical level. Promotional videos on two platforms “Education in Russian” and “Stepik” act as a “navigator” in the course, making it easier for the listener to choose one or another suitable course.
Keywords: promotional video, platform, text, structure, style
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 68 — 75
Downloads: 363