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101 | The article is devoted to the problem of the project activity in elementary school. The author opens the characteristics of education position in joint activity as a leader, organizer, participant and the differences of this position in closed and open joint activity. Keywords: joint activity, project activity, education position, closed and open joint activity | 1571 | |||||
102 | The article discusses the functions of computer models in teaching Physics and the diversity of their types. A more accurate definition of terminology, describing concrete types of computer models is suggested. The ways of using computer models at the lessons of Physics are presented. Keywords: computer model, typology of computer models, teaching Physics, aims of teaching | 1571 | |||||
103 | The article studies national peculiarity of the mental concept “um”, revealed by Alexander Griboyedov, determines its translation entails great difficulties due to extensive semantic potential of the Russian concept exceeding to that of its equivalents in English. Russian and British modern professional translators take various approaches to cope with the practically untranslatable Russian comedy. Keywords: A. Griboyedov, “Gore ot uma”, concept, “um”, translation | 1558 | |||||
104 | The article presents the analysis of the poetic texts’ titles by K. D. Balmont, V. Y. Bryusov and Z. N. Gippius, that were included into the collected poems, dated the beginning of the 20th century. Both general tendencies in entitling the lyrical poems by the poets-symbolists and idiostylistic peculiarities are revealed. Keywords: theory of regulativity, title as lexical regulative, types and forms of titles | 1552 | |||||
105 | Teaching programming in secondary comprehensive school issues that cause the lowering of students’ knowledge level are considered. The authors suggest a method to raise the quality of learning the material. The method is based on the use of computer tutors in classroom instruction, namely web-visualizers (which are web applications demonstrating the way algorithms work). Thematic filling of the algorithmization and programming line is examined; a set of web- visualizers which meets the requirements of the basic level of secondary education is formed; a set of web visualizers for computer science as a profile course aimed at advanced study of the theory and practice of programming is proposed. Keywords: computer science, programming, computer tutor, web visualize, methods of teaching | 1550 | |||||
106 | The article is devoted to study of the defi nition of play as a phenomenon of human activity. Different theoretical approaches to play research are considered: metaphoric, social and psychological, aesthetic and culturological, linguistic, philosophical and anthropological. The authors prove the leading role of philosophical and anthropological discourse in the interpretation of the playing practices of contemporary culture. Keywords: anthropology, play theory, human activity | 1550 | |||||
107 | The article deals with analyzing the concept toddler as a multilevel construct, consisting of several cognitive layers. The research results in identifying the field structure of the given concept, which consists of core, borderline and peripheral elements. Keywords: concept, toddler, basic level, core, periphery, conceptual feature | 1549 | |||||
108 | The paper analyzes the educational views of philosophers, founders of the pedagogical course, writers – the Enlightenment. And Russian and European Enlightenment thinkers believed that to solve the problems of society can be improved through training and education. Guarantor of such transformations is called an enlightened monarch. History has proven the validity of this theory in practice by the example of the Western monarchs and Catherine II of Russia. The core values of this era was the belief in the omnipotence of reason, social progress, ethics and moral categories. Keywords: social progress, values, priorities, education | 1544 | |||||
109 | In this article writing of an academic informative abstract is discussed. Its creating is described in two levels: the analysis of outer and inner structures of a scientific and technical text and writing an abstract. A plan as a supporting scheme of a primary text facilitates to construct the plan of an abstract and its further writing is developed. Keywords: scientific and technical text, abstract, outer and inner structure of a text, paragraph, key-word, keysentence, plan as a supporting scheme. | 1543 | |||||
110 | In this article we explore the mechanisms of regulating adaptive abilities of the cardiorespiratory systems of athletes. The two groups of athletes were defined on data of variability of cardiac rhythm: those with high degree of adaptation (47 %) and those with strain of control mechanisms (53 %). Functional peculiarities and adaptive possibilities of respiratory and nervous systems were defined within the scope of each group. Keywords: adaptation, nervous system, cardiorespiratory system, variability of cardiac rhythm, spirometer, neurophysiological status, athletes | 1542 | |||||
111 | The authors pay attention to the problem of training children with mental retardation conditioned by absence of different mental functions that are considered to the pledge of successful training of such children in the condition of general school education. The analyses of modern state of this problem and longstanding operational experience with the forms of remediation and developmental training allowed the authors to define main retardation problems of educational and pedagogic process and choose suitable ways and methods of correction. Keywords: cognitive process, retardation problem, retardation and developmental exercises, activation of cognitive activity. | 1541 | |||||
112 | In the article the phenomenon of the professional pedagogical reflection is considered as a necessary component of the pedagogical activity and approaches to the research of this phenomenon are presented. The recommendations to organization of pedagogical reflection of teachers and reflective learning of student teachers are offered. | 1539 | |||||
113 | It is the first attempt in Russian museum studies the attempt to classify museum projects. Special attention is paid to educational and social projects. Keywords: museum pedagogy, museum project, social museum project, educational museum project | 1537 | |||||
114 | The article is the first one to study theoretical and methodological bases of research works of the well-known Tomsk ethnographer and historian of the 20-s and the 30-s of the 20th Century – M.B. Shatilov. A complex of various cognitive procedures, used by M.B. Shatilov in his research practice, has been analyzed and classified. The paper describes the main concepts of the ethnographer and his position on a number of issues in traditional culture of Siberian peoples, and in the original culture of the Vakh Khanty, in particular. The analysis of the Shatilov’s concepts results in the conclusion that the ethnographer was close to the evolutional trend in Russian ethnography, which held its positions in the 1st quarter of the 20th Century. | 1527 | |||||
115 | The article dwells to the features of forming and functioning of foster family system as a social institution for raising children without parent’s care, based on the legislation of the USA. Keywords: foster family, The USA, orphans, children without parent’s care, legislation, kinship care, kinship placements, foster care payment | 1523 | |||||
116 | The article deals with the problem of early bilingualism. Many parents can’t answer accurately to the question: when is it necessary to start teaching a child a second language? And as they have no answer they begin to experiment; and sometimes it leads to lamentable results. The article gives adequate answers to these burning questions. | 1521 | |||||
117 | The paper discusses the influence of the expanded movement mode on the psycho-physiological status of an organism of young 10-15 year-old athletes. The author determines the level of functional and psychological readiness of young athletes to the training-competitive activity basing on the psycho-physiological parameters describing behavioural mechanisms of adaptation of the individual. Keywords: young football players and basketball players, the psycho-physiological status, nervous system, a psycho-emotional pressure, adaptation | 1516 | |||||
118 | In this article the literature dedicated to the evacuation of the civilian population to West-Siberian region is analyzed. The study’s degree of this problem is considered. Keywords: The Great Patriotic War, West Siberia, evacuation, evacuated population, historiographical review | 1515 | |||||
119 | In work the modern analisis of essence of concept «deviate behavior of teenagers» is carriet out, specific features of the deviating behavior are allocated, helping to distinguish him from other fhenomena, to define presence and development degree, the treatment of adjacent concepts and terms is considered. Keywords: deviate behavior, teenagers, pedagogigal problem, norms, difficult teenagers. | 1513 | |||||
120 | In the article various approaches of research of the level of spiritually moral education of teenagers are considered. Studying empathy tendencies of teenagers, and also estimation of the level of spiritually moral qualities of the person of students by the teachers working in the given class is in detail considered. Keywords: spirituality, morals, good breeding, teenager, development, empathy | 1512 | |||||
121 | This article is devoted to the exposure of the nature of the phenomenon of intellectual activities. The author analyses various scientific positions of research workers, discovers the law-governed nature of the development of intellectual activities, regards the factors, influencing the strivings of the child after the cognitive activities Keywords: intellectual activities, cognitive needs, cognitive activity, cognitive interest | 1499 | |||||
122 | The article shows the results of the theoretic research of bullying in national and foreign studies. The social structure of bullying is described and the psychological characteristics of its participants is given. Keywords: violence, bullying, school environment, “victim”, “offender”, “witness”. | 1499 | |||||
123 | The article deals with modern interpretation of didactic notion “project method”. The approaches to the structure of the given technology are analysed, the understanding confirmed by practice of teaching in the institute of higher education is resulted. Keywords: technology “project method”, stages of project activity, work in mini-group, activity approach | 1499 | |||||
124 | The modern education is closely connected with the use of different informative technologies, their advantages are evident. Informatics (computer science) was adopted at special schools when the new forms of special education for mental handicapped children appeared. But the specificity of the contingent requires special correction of the tasks, methods and means while using the informative technologies of education. Keywords: education, rehabilitation, phycically handicapped people, informative technologies, project. | 1498 | |||||
125 | The conceptual positions of "understanding sociology" are considered in a context of author's representations about behavior and activity. The central abstraction of M. Veber’s sociology is "an aim-rational action " as maximum accessible to understanding. In the article it shows that the ideal form of the aim-rational action is the subject activity (or simply activity). Unlike the last one the social behavior is determined by motivation refracted in statement of the purpose, the adequate means of it can not be available in social sphere. In this connection the interpretation (understanding) of behavior cannot be exhausted by the aim-rational action. The concepts "behavior" and "activity" are submitted by the author as the forms of activity, the rational and non-rational components of human social action are formed in the context Keywords: «understanding sociology» by M. Veber, target-rational action, subject activity, social behavior, interpretation (understanding) of behavior, notion «behavior», notion «activity» | 1497 | |||||
126 | In the article the author actualizes the necessity of formation of information culture of students of pedagogical university as the future specialist of modern school. Also various approaches to the definition of the concept “information culture of the person” from the position of philosophy, cultural science and pedagogy are considered. Keywords: information culture, the person, culture, formation | 1497 | |||||
127 | The essential characteristic of the competence approach as a generating paradigm in Russian higher education system is dealt with in the article. The data of the empiric research which reflect the most developed competences in teaching structure of Tomsk Polytechnic University tutors is cited. The shortage of higher school tutors’ methodological readiness to competence approach realization is indicated; the ways of this shortage elimination are suggested. Keywords: competence approach, higher professional education, professional competences of a higher school tutor, tutor’s methodological shortage. | 1497 | |||||
128 | Introduction. The paper deals with one of the cornerstones, fundamental substances of the modern world order (now based on the triad matter – energy – information) – information. Information transmission process, relevant for such areas as journalism, philology, diplomacy, sociology, business - is considered as a fragment of the worldview, both from the viewpoint of content and form. An attempt of structuring the process based on the interdisciplinary study achievements led to designing the 11-member model. As far as, according to the data of the large modern semantic dictionaries, the language (verbal) units of the process elements’ designation appeared disconnected, separated into different headings (8 in amount), sometimes not closely related to each other, the need of enlargening the scale of this block correspondingly arose. The verb vocabulary selected on the basis of Laboratory for General and Computational Lexicology and Lexicography of the Philology Faculty of the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov database has formed a united class of Information Transmission Verbs numbering 340 units and relevant for the lexical-syntactic Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL) course. The meaning of information transmission acts as a strong (belonging to lexical semantics), weakened (activized only with the support of the context) and figurative of different types. Consequently, these language meanings’ types in RFL vocabulary should be presented in different ways. The purpose of this article was 1) to put the formed vocabulary in accordance with the Model of Information Transmission; 2) to analyze the dictionary in regard to two positions of the developed model: action designation and information (message) type. Material and methods. The leading research method was the method of verbal word component analysis. Results and discussion. It turned out that the verbal vocabulary is working out the information transmission process both qualitatively and quantitatively. At the same time, such qualitative characteristics as the absence of the sender and different types of information distortion appear. Quantitative characteristics have the form of information dosing and the intensity/extensity of the process. Verbs of Information Transmission (as ободрить, обнадежить, вселить надежду, развеселить), characterizing both the sender and the addressee, and simultaneously transmitting the sender’s intention and the recipient`s response – have been brought to light. Typifying information (also associated with the syntagmatic features of a verbal predicate), on the one hand, gives a fairly broad picture of its varieties, and on the other hand, allows us to determine, albeit relatively, its volume. Conclusion. Selected language means for designating positions of the Information Transmission Model are intended for the lexical-syntactic course of functional Russian. Keywords: information transmission process structuring, language means of positions` denotation, Russian as a foreign language | 1496 | |||||
129 | The article is devoted to the results of the study the entrepreneur’s activity of Decembrists in Siberia it was based on the historical literature of the pre-revolutionary period. The object of the study is the works of Decembrists and some Russian historians. The author comes to the conclusion that the problem was especially studied though we can speak of the importance of enterprise in the Decembrists’ lives. | 1495 | |||||
130 | The article presents a theoretical overview of the concept «learning activity», describes the approaches to the allocation of various learning activities and skills in its structure. The analysis of the content of the federal state educational standard of general education (GEF LLC) and the place of the theory of activity in it is given in the article. The problem of diagnosing of the formation level of students' universal learning activities of the comprehensive school by the subject teachers is revealed. The author's method of diagnosing of the formation level of universal educational actions (UEA) of comprehensive school students by the example of a subject «Geography» is described. The technique involves the study of the formation level of regulatory, cognitive and communicative universal learning activities. In the diagnostic cards the skills composing each educational action are given and the criteria for its assessment of low, medium and high levels are presented. The diagnostic results are the basis for the development of an individual program of UEA for students experiencing difficulties in mastering the universal educational activities. The obtained data of the diagnostic study conducted among pupils of 7-grade of the Tomsk gymnasium № 56, confirm the fact that in the process of teaching at the geography lessons the formation of students' educational system of universal actions is realized, which will be improved in subsequent courses of geography. Keywords: educational activity, universal learning activities, methods of the formation level diagnosing of universal educational activities GEF of the basic general education | 1495 | |||||
131 | The article considers the issue of the usage of hydro-rehabilitation resources for the after-injury recovery of the sportsmen practicing in martial arts. In martial arts athletes experience great physical and mental stress, which leads to overstrain of various systems in the body and can cause injury. When sportsmen, excersising martial arts, receive injury they continue to train and participate in competitions, because of the fear of losing their sports form. Thus, the recovery time is prolonged, and the functional condition becomes worse, that forces the athlete to stop training for a long time and makes it impossible for him to continue his sports career. That’s why for the fast recovery of sportsmen practicing martial arts after injuries we developed a new method of the use of hydro-rehabilitation, which is developed by the author and includes the following components: 1) physical exercises in the water in different starting positions; dynamic stationary exercises and dynamic exercises in the water; exercises aimed at “stretching” back and abdominal muscles against the skirting of the swimming pool and in the process of swimming; dynamic exercises aimed at strengthening of the above mentioned muscles (front crawl, back crawl ways of swimming) using fins, aqua hand paddles, paddleboards, pull buoys for the focused work of certain muscles and thorough joints; 2) dosage of load; 3) the place which methods take in the training process of sportsmen; 4) education methods; 5) organization methods; 6) methods of control. The developed methodology has become the basis for the recovery of injured sportsmen. Keywords: hydro-rehabilitation, sportsmen, martial arts, sport injuries, means and methods of recovery | 1495 | |||||
132 | This article considers common approaches in the definition of aims and principles in the second foreign language teaching, typology and the system of exercises, their realization in modern school course-books as well. Keywords: exercises, the system of exercises, the second foreign language, a modern course-book, a course book for foreign language teaching. | 1493 | |||||
133 | This article presents the basic stages of the work with the text. It refers to the teaching of 5 grade students to shortened exposition writing. The article is based on authors investigations and teaching experience. Keywords: speech development, text, shortened exposition, methods of teaching | 1493 | |||||
134 | The role of reading foreign texts for professional purposes in conditions of cross-cultural professional communication is characterized. The basic features of texts realizing the goals of profession-oriented reading are listed and criteria for selecting the texts are suggested. Keywords: profession-oriented reading, professional communicative competence, information culture, authenticity, knowledge. | 1490 | |||||
135 | Are Analysed modern theoretical and methodological going near the study of values. The results of research of the valued orientations of students are presented in the context of theory of values of S. of Schwarz. Keywords: values, valued orientations of students, youth age. | 1488 | |||||
136 | Chepkasov A. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 30-35 . | 1483 | |||||
137 | The article reviews sight translation studies attempted both in Russia and abroad, in order to prove the necessity of establishing theoretical and methodological basis of this field of translation. The authors prove it necessary to include sight translation as an independent activity into translators training program, as opposed to its current status of an auxiliary or preparatory exercise for others types of translation. Keywords: sight translation, type of translation, translation process, translation model, translators training | 1483 | |||||
138 | The author analyses legal nature and essence of accusation in criminal procedure from the point of its similarities \ differences with suit in the Civil Process. | 1474 | |||||
139 | The article proposes methodology of studding geometrical transformation of space in frames of the differentiated training geometry in high school (under the differentiation of the education is understood the dividing of a school to a comprehensive school and a specialized school), including consideration of the basic questions, concerning introductions of concept «transformation», studying of its properties, necessities of bringing the term «isometry» and studying of properties of an isometry, consideration of interconnections between geometrical transformations, and also a technique of studying of compositions of transformations of space and apportionment of the geometrical situations leading to use of transformations of space. Keywords: geometrical transformation of space, isometry, compositions of transformations of space, methodology of the decision of problems with use of geometrical transformations of space. | 1474 | |||||
140 | Contemporary global problems make it essential to build an initial model of culture which is adequate to the modern world. The author discusses methods and purposes of building the model that is to suspend the complexity of system structure of culture Keywords: globalization, model, culture, system, multidisciplinary study, mechanisms-subsystems of culture | 1473 | |||||
141 | World War I which broke out in summer of 1914 made the military and political leaders in the Government of Russia begin to mobilize the reserve army forces in the shortest possible time. On the territory of 4 provinces of West Siberia and the Steppe region, which were parts of Omsky military district, there started a large campaign organized by the military and civil local authorities on mobilization of reserve and recruit soldiers to the Russian army and navy. Due to it, hundreds of thousands of military men from Siberia joined Russian army forces fighting in the battles of World War I. | 1470 | |||||
142 | The article is devoted to research of such phenomenon, as «hardiness» of the professional soldiers and employees. The concept «hardiness», in opinion of the author, reveals features of adaptable processes in conditions of service in the army. Keywords: hardiness, adaptation, strategy of self-deduction, preventive maintenance | 1470 | |||||
143 | The correlation of the adaptive physical culture as an integrative discipline with theory of physical culture as a basic discipline is considered, including its newest trends of development, philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, general and special pedagogy, humanistic psychology, valeology, as well as disciplines of medical and biological cycle: anatomy, general and particular pathology, genetics and other disciplines. It’s proved that adaptive physical culture and the disciplines enumerated above have general object, goal of pedagogical activity, common methodological approaches and principles, solve integrative common tasks from various angles and so should enrich and compliment each other. | 1469 | |||||
144 | Resource part of swamp ecological systems in biosphere are shown in the article. The main aspects of swamp resources with long-term plan use are considered. Keywords: swamp, an estimation, a swamp ecosystem, biological resources, peat resources, protection of swamp | 1469 | |||||
145 | The author considers the factors of influence on the intensity of female students’ migration from the Russian empire to West-European countries in the second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries, the specific character of Russian students’ adaptation in non-Russian surroundings and consequences of women socialization in the system of co-educational higher schools. Keywords: feminization, co-educational (mixed-sex) institutions of higher education, secondary socialization, emancipation, deviant behaviour, intelligentsia | 1463 | |||||
146 | The article examines the legal regulation of time off in Russia. We investigate the concept of leisure time, the history of the formation and development of domestic legislation on time off. Additionally, the article investigates the theoretical and practical problems associated with the provision of workers of different types of time off. Keywords: time off, working capacity, fatigue, breaks during the workday, weekends, public holidays, vacation | 1461 | |||||
147 | In the article it is discussed traditional for labour psychology problem of the vocationally important qualities (VIQ). There are four groups VIQ: professional activity, professional development and teaching, regulation of professional and others forms to activities, which provide the formation subject of the labour. The individual qualities, who are a psychological base of the shaping subject of the labour, are marked by term «vocationally oriented quality» (POQ). Aside from VIQ (the professional knowledges and abilities), in them enter the vocationally significant quality (VSQ) - a professional interests, sets, features of the nature. Thereby, VIQ-VSQ is a system of qualities, filling the individual features, which correspond for requirement metasystem «social-vocational situation of the development and realization subject of the labour». This is a formal integral qualities of this system, their contents is defined by many individual characteristics, which mutually complement and compensate each other. In article are analysed results of the empirical study of pedagogical school teacher’s tolerance, which confirm the worded theoretical positions. | 1460 | |||||
148 | The article represents the results of the research in social identity structure at different age stages. It is shown that the age-related changes in social identity concern, primary, not social identity content, but identity components’ place in hierarchical structure of social identity Keywords: the person, social identity, gender identity, age identity, ethnic identity | 1460 | |||||
149 | The author analyses legal regulations in the Criminal Codes of USA, GB, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, that determine criminal responsibility for the Computer Crimes. Suggested that criminal crimes could be divided to: 1) economic computer crimes; 2) computer crimes against rights and freedoms individuals and organizations that breaks the independence of private life; 3) computer crimes against state and community | 1457 | |||||
150 | Views of modern children’s writer G. B. Oster on upbringing and forms of their expression are researched in the paper. Pedagogical and genre-poetical peculiarities of writer’s strategies in poetic collections “Bad Advice”, “manuals” and books about child rearing and parents training are considered. Keywords: child rearing and parents training, “upbringing from the opposite”, modern children’s book, G. Oster, “merry manual”, “bad advice” | 1456 |