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151 | Guidelines are considered in the article researching figurativeness as linguistical category. In the highlight- a lexical approach to the figurativeness description as char¬acteristics lexical units (lexemes and lexical-semantic variant). Offered short historiography of question, as well as interpresentation of are illuminated main positions to lexical concepts of figurativeness, are marked perspective aspects of further given problem research (linguistic-cultural, psycholinguistic and others). | 1454 | |||||
152 | The study of the complex of mass culture values applied to different national cultures gives both unique and universal ideas of mass culture. Russia and Japan were under the mutual influence at the beginning of the 20th century, but in Japan all borrowings resulted in the absorption of the very essence of its national culture. As for this process in Russia it led to the loss of its own cultural traditions which turned out to be rather specific. The stability of Japanese culture is based on its obvious explicitness, emphasized collectivity and eventually the responsibility of the society. The specificity of the ideal of beauty in both mass cultures is brought to the focus. The contrast is obvious as in the East Asia the preferences of inner elegance over the outward beauty which is typical of Russia give stability to the Japanese culture, while for Russia going into extremes has become more characteristic. Mass culture under the circumstances of globalization in post-information society presupposes clear and outspoken identity. Mass culture is a stage in the development of human civilization in general, and “elite” or “truly national” culture is only its sector. | 1454 | |||||
153 | The theoretical part of the article dwells upon onomatopoeia as a lexical expressive means employed in the advert, the principles of referring a word to the onomatopoetic class of words (for example, the etymological label “imitative” in English and “lautmalende” in German), the classification of the onomatopoetic words in accordance with the source of the sound, as well as the reasons for using the words of the imitative origin by the copywriters. Due to the above said the practical part of the article consists of the adverts (both in English and German) containing the examples of onomatopoetic words used as notional parts of speech. The analysis (comparative in character) being made, it’s possible to conclude that the words of onomatopoetic origin function mostly as nouns in English, and verbs in German. Their principle roles in the texts are as follows: 1) to create an attractive acoustic image of a product; 2) to attract recipient’s attention to the specific characteristics of a product; 3) to single out the product from a range of similar goods, thus making it more effective for memorizing the brand by rhyming echo-phrases; 4) to increase the general expressiveness and emotional impact of the text; 5) to make it less formal and more laconic. Exclamatory interjections are also used in an advertising text making the latter not only less formal, more comprehensible for an average customer but also more compact and economically effective. Keywords: onomatopoeia, an imitative origin of the word, lexical expressive means, advertisement | 1453 | |||||
154 | Owing to growing demand in mastering the English language as a language of international communication, the questions connected with enhancing teaching listening comprehension practice in a higher school are discussed. There are serious problems concerning these questions. The poor listening comprehension ability of students is referred to. Consequently, the authors are going to contemplate on its reasons, review some effective forms and methods in the teaching of foreign language listening skills at a non-linguistic higher school. This article investigates the peculiarity and role of listening comprehension practice. The characteristic of audio-texts depicting real-life situations is given. A range of problems and difficulties which students of higher school can face in teaching listening are considered and analyzed. Some measures how to organize the listening comprehension process in class in the required way are recommended to be taken. The authors have also made some efforts on presenting the recommendations on encouraging the ability to realize a foreign speech. Keywords: foreign speech, listening comprehension practice, listening skills, peculiarities, real-life situations, difficulties, classroom procedures, confidence | 1451 | |||||
155 | The author of the article reveals the features of the characters of V. Nabokov‘s novel “King, Queen, Jack”, analyzes the semantics of the central motif of laugh and smile in the novel used by Nabokov for revealing the essence of the characters. Keywords: Russian-language literature abroad, Nabokov, laugh, smile, irony. | 1450 | |||||
156 | The article deals with the problem of precedence and its implication in a language system. The position of proper and common names is analyzed. Precedent names represent a group of names that are widely used by people as an ideal model or linguocultural image. The most frequent source domains of precedent names are: religion, mythology, politics, literature, art, cinema and folklore. The author makes comparison between precedent anthroponyms and toponyms in Russian and English languages. Numerous examples of set phrases and phraseological units, including components – precedent names are given. The peculiarities of precedent names formation as the result of appelativation are revealed. Knowledge of precedent names contributes to effective cross-cultural communication. Keywords: precedence, precedent name, anthroponym, toponym, onomastics, semantics, source domain, linguocultural image | 1449 | |||||
157 | The article looks at the stylistic device of defeated expectancy in the internet meme as a popular internet communication phenomenon. The relevance of the topic is proved by the lack of research concerning this device in the field of internet communication. The aim of the article is to analyse and describe the stylistic device of defeated expectancy in internet memes. The stylistic device of defeated expectancy is often observed in internet memes which is justified by their genre features (appeal to the reader, humour, irony). This device is used as a specific communicative strategy aimed at involving the reader who is ready to encounter the stylistic device of defeated expectancy in internet memes. It performs the following functions: it serves as a tool for creating humour, intrigue, opposition and paradox in internet memes. This device may also perform some of the above mentioned functions simultaneously. In contrast to fiction this device is not motivated in internet memes by the author’s literary intentions but by his or her aspiration to attract the reader’s attention. The stylistic device of defeated expectancy can be defined as a discursive characteristic of internet memes and is motivated by the humorous, light-hearted genre of this internet phenomenon. Keywords: internet meme, defeated expectancy, precedent phenomenon, humorous effect, paradox | 1447 | |||||
158 | The paper offers a definition of such notions as “risk factor”, “custody factor” as applied to delinquent behavior, a version of juvenils’ deviant behavior. It includes a classification of revealed risk and custody factors, demonstrates effectiveness of delinquent behavior formation risk factors elimination programs adopted by schools in the West, made on the basis of foreign sources, and comprises results of a research conducted by the author into finding out custody-creativity factor. Keywords: factor, macrofactors, risk factor, custody factor, delinquent behavior, deviant behavior, creativity, neurotism, psychotism | 1445 | |||||
159 | Communicative barriers are difficulties that arise in the process of information delivery from a communicant (source of information) to a recipient (receiver of information). The nature of communicative barriers arising in interpersonal and computer-mediated communication is considered in this article. Communicative barriers are divided into four types: technical (noise, restriction, filters), social-cultural (social, political, religious, professional), psychological (technical and communication skills barriers, attitudes barriers) and understanding barriers (phonetic, semantic, stylistic, logical, interlingual). The features of above-named barriers in e-communication are determined. Difficulties and ways of communication barriers overcoming in learning computer-mediated communication are regarded. | 1444 | |||||
160 | The author of the article made an attempt to consider some theories which reveal the idea of «image of the world», its structure, psychological mechanisms of its formation | 1443 | |||||
161 | The author of the article believes that both aristocracy and Soviet regime is exposed to carnival judgement in Nikolay Erdman’s comedy “Mandate”, while everyday, so-called “petty-bourgeois”, life is carnivally affirmed. However, the carnival character of the epoch reflected in the play interferes in Erdman’s civic stand, which leads to the transformation of the carnival side from the Renaissance grotesque to romantic one. Keywords: Erdman N. R., «Mandate», carnivalization, transformation, of grotesque | 1443 | |||||
162 | In the article the theoretical analysis of the new phenomenon is presented in education – humanitarian technologies. The analysis is based on the results of realization of the innovative program of Herzen University. The reasons of occurrence of this innovation, expediency of its application by teachers in modern conditions are examined. Requirements to competence of the teacher when applying humanitarian technologies are defined. Keywords: education, innovations, humanitarian technologies, preparation of teachers | 1442 | |||||
163 | The largest number of anomalous children are mental handicapped chidren, most of them suffer from oligophrenia. Oligophrenic children have steady disturbances in mental activity, in both cognitive and emotional spheres. Not only biological, but also social factors play a great role in the development of such children, that is why the prognosis is quite optimistic if favorable psychological condition are created. Keywords: education, complex rehabilitation, handicapped people, project | 1441 | |||||
164 | In this article we give brief analysis of the problem connected to youth subculture and nonconformism of it, like a picture of the world which we are inclined to consider as a artificial of position created by a society « compelled marginality » which is aggravated with the transitional problems abounding various «points of deviation» near to which social systems start to behave is unpredictable. Keywords: youth subculture, youth nonconformist association (мнко), marginality, social system | 1441 | |||||
165 | The article contains description of the case-method as a means of the evaluating of the key competences of future workers. Keywords: key competence, general competence, method of evaluating of competences, federal state educational standard | 1439 | |||||
166 | Didactic vocational training of students in the course of an individualization of training demands use of more optimal methods. Keywords: creative self-expression, didactics, an individual approach, a training individualization, problem training, an innovation, the nonconventional approach, a motivational direction, memory, thinking, motivation, informative motives, social motives, positive | 1438 | |||||
167 | In the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky approach to quantization of gauge theories a principal role is given to the BRST charge which can be constructed as a series in Grassmannian (ghost) variables with coefficients given by generalized structure functions of constraints algebra. Alternatively, the BRST charge can be derived making use of the Noether theorem and global BRST invariance of the effective action. In the case of Yang-Mills fields the both methods lead to the same expression for the BRST charge, but it is not valid in the case of General Relativity. It is illustrated by examples of an isotropic cosmological model as well as by spherically-symmetric gravitational model which imitates the full theory of gravity much better. The consideration is based on Hamiltonian formulation of General Relativity in extended phase space. At the quantum level the structure of the BRST charge is of great importance since BRST invariant quantum states are believed to be physical states. Thus, the definition of the BRST charge at the classical level is inseparably related to our attempts to find a true way to quantize gravity. Keywords: BRST charge, gauge transformations, Noether theorem, physical states, quantization of gravity | 1434 | |||||
168 | General peculiarities of humanitarian treatment of education are mentioned in the article. Such problem as teaching on the basis of cooperation being one of the humanitarian educational approaches is touched upon. The term “cooperation” is analyzed within the frameworks of humanizing the educational process, such terms as “cooperation pedagogy” and “cooperative learning” are differentiated, the importance of using the cooperative learning for intellectual and personal developing of pupils is accentuated Keywords: humanitarian educational approach, person-oriented pedagogy, teaching on the basis of cooperation, cooperation pedagogy, cooperative learning, academic work in cooperation groups, intellectual development, personal development | 1432 | |||||
169 | The article touches upon the changes, which happened in Labour Party of Great Britain while it was in opposition (1979–1997). The modernization of ideological platform of the party influenced on New Labour formation and its new ideas in social policy were researched in this article. Keywords: Great Britain Labour Party, New Labour, Tony Blair, social policy, Labour Party modernization | 1432 | |||||
170 | The article deals with the problem of components of language talent and foreign language aptitude. Language talent includes some specifi c abilities such as foreign language aptitude, language guessing, linguistic intuition, and communication skills. Different ideas about complexes of specifi c abilities are studied. Keywords: language talent, foreign language aptitude, language guessing, language acquisition | 1432 | |||||
171 | The article presents an approach to the development of pedagogical diagnostics of social and personal development of preschool children with different educational opportunities in accordance with the requirements of Federal state educational standard of preschool education. Also the author reveals the purpose, principles, direction and content of pedagogical diagnostics; explaines the organization of the examination and diagnostics algorithm; describes the evaluation system of the results. Ontogenetic principle, which underlies the pedagogical examination, and personal-social development of preschool children allows the teacher to determine the abilities of the group of pupils at the given moment (“zone of actual development”), to predict the goals and learning outcomes (to determine the “zone of proximal development”), to adjust the content of training and education, to create in the group optimal conditions for the interaction of children, development of their potential and abilities. Keywords: Federal state educational standard of preschool education, socio-personal development, pedagogical diagnostics, ontogenetic principle, children with different educational opportunities | 1432 | |||||
172 | The article deals with the communicative competence of senior pupils in a modern school, the concept and content of communicative competence, generalized psychological features of boys and girls of senior school age are revealed. Researchers recognize that communication with peers is of great importance for older students. Relations with comrades are in the main position in the life of boys and girls, in many respects determine all other aspects of their behavior and activities. Communicative competence has a special significance in human life. This affects the progress, the process of adaptation in the team and society. This also affects the emotional well-being of the individual, which can be seen as a condition for the effectiveness of implementing measures and the effectiveness of resource use in the future. Gender differences in interpersonal communication were revealed. The influence of gender roles on the formation and development of communicative competence is proposed. Experimentally proved that most modern students are not androgynous, this means the absence of purely masculine and feminine qualities. It turned out that regardless of gender type of personality, high school students have an average level of development of communicative competence, in particular: development of communication skills, knowledge of cultural norms. Keywords: communicative competence, high school students, interpersonal communication, gender differences | 1431 | |||||
173 | The phenomenon of group subject's identity is discussed in the article. The rightfulness of distinguishing of the concepts «social identity» and «group identity» is founded, the structure of group identity and its contents is described in those cases when the individual subject (the participant of the group) and the group subject are the bearers of the group identity. The results of the empirical investigation of the group identity and its structural components with the author's questionnaire are adduced. Keywords: group, group subject, identity, personal identity, social identity, group identity, the structure of group identity | 1428 | |||||
174 | The article is the results of theoretical study of the teenagers’ socialization process, its components and tasks of this process. The criteria for determining the level of socialization are shown. The results of the experiment to study the level of teenagers’ socialization are demonstrated. Keywords: socialization, stages of socialization, tasks of socialization, teenager’s socialization | 1428 | |||||
175 | Introduction. The relevance of the article is determined by the increased interest of philologists and the general public to the personality and creative heritage of I.S. Turgenev in the year of his 200th anniversary. Nonetheless despite the long tradition of studying the personality and creativity of the Russian writer at school the Turgenev pedagogical studies lag behind the scientific studies. Materials and research methods. The hypothetically formulated problem was confirmed during the analysis of scientific and methodological work and by the diagnosis of residual knowledge of students. Stereotypes of student’s perception of the writer’s personality and interpretation of his work are revealed. Results and discussion. In the article productive ways and forms of students’ acquaintance with the personality of the writer are considered including development of new genres of biographical essay. Particular attention is paid to the Turgenev concept of nature and love and their aesthetic and philosophical essence. New teaching methods for enhancing students’ reading activity, in particular, methods of formation intertextuality (based on the reference to the landscapes of the artists of the Barbizon School) are proposed. New ways to familiarize students with the writer’s manor texts in the context of Russian manor culture are recommended. The specific recommendations are given to include the novel «Noble Nest» into the 10th grade literature lessons. New approaches to the study of the novel «Fathers and Sons» are revealed and the method of its comparison with Avdotya Smirnova’s television series «Bazarov’s Error » based on the writer’s work is proposed. Conclusion. In conclusion of the article aiming to update the perception of Turgenev’s novel, students developed a model of a dialogue lesson involving the work of modern literature (a remake of Vera Tchaikovskaya «The New Under the Sun»). In general, the study revealed that further methodological improvement of the process of studying Turgenev’s personality and creative work at school is possible by relying on established traditions and using new forms and ways of organizing student’s reading activities, as well as improving the philological competence of a language teacher. Keywords: The problem of studying Turgenev’s personality and creative work at school, traditions and innovation, stereotypes of the writer’s world, knowledge diagnostics,Turgenev concept of nature and love, manor text, methods of enhancing reading activity, methods of forming intertextuality, updating a classic work, literature lessons’ multimedia usage | 1428 | |||||
176 | Introduction. In this article we study the secondary nominations of football teams and players in English and Russian, which are created by contextual synonyms (CS) and follow specific semantic schemes identified by us in the result of the research on football texts. The purpose of this research is to study semantic nomination schemes in English and Russian in order to establish similarities and differences in the processes of nomination and reference in the researched languages. Material and methods. The object of this study is football discourse. We looked at football coverages, articles, reports, interviews and live-text commentaries. We did not distinguish between different genres of football texts since our main focus and research subject was contextual synonymy that creates plurality of nominations. The main research methods are contextual-semantic analysis of nominations, discourse analysis, descriptive, comparative and contrastive methods. Results and discussion. We identified the schemes of secondary nomination of football teams and players that reoccur in football discourse “travelling” from one text to another. This can be indicative of relative versatility of these schemes for multiple football discourse texts. We compared the English semantic schemes with the Russian ones, identified by us in our previous research. We discovered 14 equivalent schemes common for both languages. In addition, we looked at schemes that differ in certain ways in the researched languages, or are missing at all in one of them. Conclusion. In both English and Russian, there are multiple contextually synonymous nominations of football teams and players, which follow similar semantic schemes. However, each of the languages under study shows its specific nature when it comes to forming some nominations due to structural and systemic differences of the languages. The knowledge of these schemes, especially their differences proves useful in teaching and practice of translation and interpretation, and also in journalists’ and commentators’ praxis. Keywords: contextual synonymy, contextual synonyms, nomination, semantic nomination schemes, contextualsemantic analysis of nominations | 1426 | |||||
177 | The article presents the possibility of development of schoolchildren by means of organization of mini projects. Keywords: The article presents the possibility of development of schoolchildren by means of organization of mini projects. | 1425 | |||||
178 | The authors analyse Zheleznikov’s story the “Scarecrow” written in the flourishing period of the writer (in the 1970s), and reveal the ways to bring out the image of the leading character, such as: showing the points of view of different subjects of speech including the storyteller; the comparison of names of characters and their inward nature, the comparison of the internal and external of characters; the comparison of characters’ behaviour with different animals; using allusion). The story fits into the context of searches of moral ideal in the Russian classical prose and in the literature contemporary with Zheleznikov. The writer puts the existential type of character in the centre, who is ready to defend the principles such as: non-resistance to evil by force, value of human dignity, mercy, belief in the triumph of kindness, in an extreme situation. Keywords: the youth literature, psychological prose, Zheleznikov, “the school novella”, “Scarecrow”, topic of cruelty, moral values, existential problematics, existential realism | 1425 | |||||
179 | In the article the role of natural-science knowledge for the pupils receiving trades of socially-humanitarian orientation in the system of initial vocational training is considered. Valid characteristics of a future professional which are important for hte experts of the majority of trades are considered. The accent on specific professional tasks which are necessary for solving for the experts receiving initial vocational training on specialities, demanding active dialogue, interaction with a lot of people and the organizations of their activity (in system the person-person) is done. Keywords: initial vocational training, trades of socially-humanitarian orientation, natural-science outlook, natural sciences | 1424 | |||||
180 | The article represents an elaboration of the technology of a problem-active approach to physics teaching. The technology implies the training of such skills as observation, measurement, advancing and substantiation of hypotheses. The technology reflects the stages of the approach used in teaching physics to pupils of the 7-9 grades. The methods of planning a teacher's work during training activity are given and the pec-ularities of the planning are marked in the article. The technology represents the system of checking assimilated skills and knowledge of the subject, and new pupils' personal qualities detection (e.g. ability to introspection). The estimation of effectiveness of the worked-out technology is represented in the article. | 1423 | |||||
181 | Development of women’s and Gender History caused a transformation of scientific paradigms and critical revision of scientific work standards in historical science as a whole. The purpose of the given article is to consider the basic tendencies of the development of the historiographic direction and to try to find out the place of how German-speaking researches of a women’s history in the international context. | 1423 | |||||
182 | In the article the essence of ecological education and upbringing from the positions of the concept of a sustainable development is considered. The major criteria of conformity of positions and sights of the person to an ecological imperative, feature of formation of ecologically caused consciousness and world outlook installations are described. The author designates function of ecological education and upbringing, expressed in prevention of negative influence of human activity on environment. Separate regulatory legal acts (the international, federal, regional character), confirming necessity of ecologically defensible public relations at the present stage of development of a civilization are analyzed. The special attention in the article is given to the level of ecological formation in Tomsk area as a centre of science of Siberia: the objective estimation of quality of ecological formation as directions of realization of the concept of a sustainable development of area is given, the contribution state and public organizations in nature protection formation of the person is defined; the results of work in the sphere of ecological education and upbringing for 2005–2008 are revealed. Keywords: sustainable development, the international cooperation, preservation of the environment, continuous ecological education: criteria, aspects, formation principles, the ecological culture, ecologically focused public consciousness, Tomsk area: estimation of | 1422 | |||||
183 | The article draws attention to some studies conducted in the Republic of Azerbaijan and other foreign countries, in particular in the Russian Federation, in connection with the development of the cognitive activity of students. It highlights the essence of “activity” and “cognitive activity”, the relation between the theory of cognition and learning. The article searches answer to this question: “Is the development of cognitive interest the subject of psychology or pedagogy?” In addition, attention is drawn to the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the cognitive activity of students; factors [externality (procedural, existing in the work – practical, common), and internal (intellectual, emotional, volitional, etc.)], the development of cognitive activity. Keywords: activity, cognitive activity, the position of cognitive activity, cognitive interest, teaching cognitive activity, cognitive activity factors, structure of cognitive activity | 1419 | |||||
184 | The article presents the different forms and techniques for working with text in the formation of textual competence of students in fi fth class, drawing on existing research and teaching experience of the author. Keywords: competence approach, competence, textual competence, teaching methodology, techniques and forms with text | 1417 | |||||
185 | The immense interest of the ordinary person in the latest scientific and technological breakthroughs generated a great number of instructional/reference books which are intended to present plain language guides for persons new to the topics covered. Most of the books are organized into series, such as The Complete Idiot’s Guide, For Dummies, Missing Manual. There are several series of For Dummies books. At first the series included only step-by-step instructions focused on computers and their software, laptops, Windows, Linux, virus protection, the Internet, blogging, etc. Later there appeared more general-interest titles, with topics as diverse as Advertising for Dummies, Small Business for Dummies, House Selling for Dummies, The Leadership Brain for Dummies, etc. There are also books focused on science and technology topics, e.g. Physics for Dummies, Trigonometry for Dummies, Telecom for Dummies, Research Methods in Psychology for Dummies, Nanotechnology for Dummies, etc. The language of these books is simple and direct, but at the same time most of the texts are loaded with various stylistic devices. Their function is to make the information not only beginner-friendly, but also interesting and entertaining. The authors use metaphors, hyperboles, allusions, etc. One of the effective stylistic devices is using questions. Addressing the reader, the author can make him or her feel more involved and active as an information receiver. Keywords: scientific popular literature, stylistic devices, question/answer form, instruction, expressivity | 1415 | |||||
186 | In this article the system of educational work with the students under the textual work on base of the theory of textual associations is represented. The use of associative games, which develop associative visual thinking among schoolchildren, the technologies of creating the text with the support of associative work, free from associative experiment let us to imagine the advantages of this method during the educational work with students under the text creating activity. Keywords: the theory of textual associations, teaching the pupils of textual activity, creative and associative games, free associative experiment | 1410 | |||||
187 | The article offers a historical and pedagogical analysis to discover the notion of professional competence and its structure as well as studying features of developing teachers’ law competence in rural schools. Keywords: law competence, a module and competence model for education of future rural school teachers. | 1410 | |||||
188 | The article shows that practical philosophy of I. Kant evoking disagreements today is a starting point while constructing post-modern ethic theories which comprise discussions on ethic perspectives and contours of post-modernity with a retrospective look at Kant’s project of moral philosophy. | 1409 | |||||
189 | The merits of the sign system are examined in the article, some of their aspects using to the teaching of biology are analysed, the main principles of project of sign system in the conditions of the passage of school to the federal state standards of the second generation. Some examples of modern sign system, using on the biology lessons is given. The effect of created sign system using of which promotes to raise the quality of biology knowledge of pupils, increases the level of adopting biology concepts. Keywords: teaching of biology, visual instruction, sign system, sign aid | 1408 | |||||
190 | The article presents a brief comparative study of the images of woman warrior. The author investigates images appearing in medieval works, “The Song of the Nibelungs” and “The Tale of the Heike”. The various versions of the emergence of the image of the women warrior are also discussed. The paper contains a description of the investigated sources and justification for their choice for this topic. Similarities and differences of the images are identified; there also is an attempt to determine the causes of observed similarities and differences and to analyze them. An attempt is made to consider the image of a woman warrior on the cultural-historical, psychological, gender and social side. Keywords: comparative analysis, medieval literature, heroic epic, woman warrior, Japan, Germany | 1407 | |||||
191 | The article is devoted to the problem-chronological analysis of the historiography of the Neolithic and early metal of the Upper Ob basin in the 1950–1970-ies. The substantial characteristic of the initial stages of the scientific comprehension of the cultural-chronological specificity of these historical periods was offered. The first stage (the first half of the 1950-ies) is associated with the works of M. N. Komarova, V. N. Chernetsova, N. A. Chernysheva, M. P. Gryaznova. The second stage (the second half of the 1950-ies – the beginning of the 1970-ies) is represented by the works by V. I. Matushenko, M. F. Kosarev, M. V. Anikovich. The genesis of unique epistemological situation, expressed in the simultaneous occurrence and the parallel development of the two mutually exclusive culturalchronological concepts, is revealed. The conclusion is made about the key role of the identified situation, as the methodological premise of the following steps of scientific understanding of the problem. Keywords: historiography, neolithic, eneolithic, early metal, Upper Ob | 1406 | |||||
192 | The article deals with the main trends in the studies of the English and American Dickensian scholars concerning the problem of alternative endings in the novel “Great Expectations”. There are two variants of endings “truthful end” found in Dickens’s archieves and “happy” one which Dickens considered as symbolic. English and American Dickensian scholars have different opinions on two endings: some scholars believe “truthful end” is the only possible one, and is in accordance with the theme of expectations crash, another scientists consider that the “truthful” end does not solve the plot development. There is the idea of both endings identity. Despite this controversial concepts both endings are in accordance with each other because “happy end” is the romantic paraphrase of the “truthful” one. The translation of the “truthful end” and it’s comparison with the “happy end” contributes to reconstructing of Dickens’s artistic intentions. Keywords: the later Dickens’ novels, the English criticism, “happy ending”, translation of the “truthful end”, reconstructions of Dickens’s artistic intentions, the lack of triumphant happy endings, disillusionment, semantic equivalence of alternative endings, roma | 1406 | |||||
193 | The article deals with analizing the implicit meaning of Nabokov’s short story “Korolyok” based on the implicit unit revealing technique, an implicit unit being a linguistic means of clarifying the implicit information within the conceptual framework of a text. Taken into consideration is the key concept alive vs dead. The basic means of creating an implicit meaning has been found to be shifting realities in the pattern of the text , which refers to the implicit unit breaching the maxim of the relationship between the author and the character. Keywords: concept, the conceptual framework of a literary text, an implicit unit, the explicit and implicit layers of a text, means of creating the implicit meaning | 1404 | |||||
194 | In the article presents theory and practice of using competent approach during intensive teaching of foreign language. There are demonstrated some results of empirical research. Keywords: intensive methods of teaching of foreign language, social readiness, communicative training, communicative competence, psychophysiology peculiarities of speech act, communicative barriers, emotional mood, empathy | 1403 | |||||
195 | This article considers the problem of the institutes of additional education and their participation in the upbringing and teaching of the disabled children and describes the working experience of “Home of children’s creativity” Kachkanar, Sverdlovskaya region. The author supposes that in the conditions of small towns work with the disabled children and their parents allows to fill in the gap of social and pedagogical attention to the problems of disabled children and appreciably optimize their upbringing and teaching. Keywords: the upbringing and teaching of the children with limited physical abilities, social-pedagogical help, of additional education, creative activity | 1403 | |||||
196 | This article focuses on the analysis of the frame structure of idiom. The analysis includes several steps: the model of the semantic structure of the idiom, the model of its cognitive structure and correlation between these two models. The analysis of the frame structure shows the difference between the meaning of the idiom in consciousness of ordinary native speakers and the semantic structure of this idiom. | 1402 | |||||
197 | The article is devoted to the study of the regional identity formation processes at the level of the Russian Federation ethnic nationhood subjects in the context of maintenance of ethnopolitical and ethnosocial stability. The principal trends of the regional identity formation with the Republics of Southern Siberian (Khakass, Altai, Tuva) as examples are revealed. The role of the ethnopolitical and ethnocultural factors in the regional self-consciousness people formation of Southern Siberian Republics of the Russian Federation is determined. Keywords: regional identity, ethnic nationhood, Republic of Khakassia, Repablic of Altai, Republic of Tuva, modern ideology of turco-lingual peoples of Southern Siberian, Khakass ethnos, Altai ethnos, Tuva ethnos | 1402 | |||||
198 | By the end of the XIXth and the beginning of the XXth Centuries, the crisis became evident in peasant economy of the European part of Russia. Several ways of overcoming these challenges appeared in the agricultural sector of Russian economy. The researchers understand that it was not possible to overcome the scarcity of land and the abundance of working people by means of political force. Detailed studies have shown the ineffectiveness of using interior economic reserves to eliminate the agricultural crisis. Eventually, it became apparent that these methods were not yielding sufficient results to address the chronic agricultural crisis. As a result, the forced migration of peasants to Siberian Region became a vitally necessary solution. | 1400 | |||||
199 | One of the major characteristics of merchants at the end of XIX is the attitude to education and its level. In the article there revealed an attitude of business people of the capital to commercial education in the conditions, specific to Russia; there are also shown different types of commercial educational institutions; some extensive actual material is presented. | 1399 | |||||
200 | Psychophysiological features of Tuvan and Russian students that live in extreme climatogeographic conditions of southern Siberia (Republic of Tuva) were studied. Ethnical features of students expressed in neuroticism level, reactive and personal anxiety, introversion, temperament type are shown. It was concluded that Tuvan students have lower psychosocial adaptation level during HEI studying. Keywords: adaptation, Tuvan and Russian students, anxiety, neuroticism, temperament. | 1399 |