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301 | The article deals with the urgent problem of penal institution supervisors’ professional competence training. The author reveals the essence and specific character of their professional competence, shows the possibility of its formation in the advanced training system. Keywords: professional competence, penal institutions, advanced training system | 1336 | |||||
302 | The article deals with the language personality of specialists in the field of Human Resources Management, considers the significant parameters of the communicative-pragmatic situations of professional activities. The study describes the main constituents of the professional language personality and the results of a survey of Master’s and Bachelor’s students of Plekhanov Russian University working in this specialty. Overall, the survey involved 100 respondents aged 21-25 years old, with 20% being males and 80% – females. When designing the questionnaire some essential parameters of Human Resources Management professional activities were taken into consideration as well as significance of the English language in meeting objectives and solving problems in the workplace. Based on the survey findings the article identifies personality traits of future HRM specialists and also examines and correlates the learning objectives, levels, context and components of communicative activities, describes the principles of assignments and course design of the discipline «Foreign language for specific purposes for professionals in the field of human resources management». The article refers to particular examples in ESP teaching. The discribed rational for curriculum and communicative activities might be considered and implemented in teaching foreign languages to students of various specialty occupations. It integrates the global context, language material, professional concepts and development of basic communicative and professional skills. Keywords: professional language personality, motivational-pragmatic level, communication context, parameters of the communicative – pragmatic situation, teaching English for specific purposes | 1334 | |||||
303 | This article is devoted to the investigation of use of Russian (Slavonic) borrowings in the modern German language and also to their degree of general attainments from age and place of residence of the informants. From the linguistic point of view the questioning of informants (552 informants) and the Chi-Quadrat-Metod for analysis of the results are of great intrest and importance. In the article there will be analysed how people a) in general, b) in East Germany, c) in West Germany know and use Russian borrowed words. Moreover special interest is focused on the age of informants | 1332 | |||||
304 | Deciding the problem of improving the quality of education under the conditions of modern Russian technical high schools, special attention should be paid to the existing engineering professional criteria implemented for engineering study programmes and professionals worldwide, as well as to the State Educational Standard Requirements in the Russian Federation, so that to enable technical university graduates to adapt to the international requirements and to meet challenges of the international academic and professional workplaces. Graduates of technical universities should be able to become staff members of organizations working together as a system, where specialization matters, but where the ability to communicate across professional and national “discourses” is ever more important to professionals of all types. The importance of good communication skills has been emphasized in survey by survey; they show that technical skills can be unnoticed or not used if engineers cannot convince their peers, co-workers, superiors, or clients. Now it is time for Russian universities to reconsider the correlation of disciplines in favour of programmes and courses ensuring the development of future engineers’ intercultural competence and technical communication skills. Keywords: professional and technical communication, engineering education, communication competence | 1332 | |||||
305 | The article is devoted to the problem of individual creative method of E.I. Zamyatin. The analysis of the writer's style shows the formation of existencial paradigm in his works during 1910-1930. | 1330 | |||||
306 | The article analyzes modern models of preparation of lacking specified number school teachers, including authorship, it indicates and characterizes pedagogical conditions of given preparatory models realization: specification of psychological and pedagogical education content on the basis of intersubject connection theory and groups of different ages; the use of practice oriented didactic technology. The authors of the article describe concrete experiment and its results. Keywords: lacking specified number schools, pedagogical conditions | 1330 | |||||
307 | This article is devoted to the problem of the English language teaching in Primary school and using intensive methods based on methodology by K. Lozanov, G. Kitaigorodskaya and others. The author suggests the beginning of studying English in primary school using special course “English Intensive Course For Children And Their Parents” by Vostriкov A. A., Dudina E. N and Itsenko I. A. The main factors of learning are special pedagogical conditions. The mastering of thought activity in foreign languages requires the student’s immersion in the language activity. Such deepness can be achieved in two ways: the first way is connected with the increasing of hours for studying English per week; the second way is connected with the increasing of hours of the independent studying English, language training and the work together with the partner. The productive pedagogic consists of 4 didactic cycles. The content and methods of the creative project activity are based on the principles of the creative studying and psycholinguistics which allow creating new technological ways, which differ from the traditional teaching of English. Keywords: intensive methods, special course, pedagogical conditions, language activity, independent studying, principles of the creative studying, technological ways | 1330 | |||||
308 | The article deals with the educational objectives of the subject “Physical Training” in modern elementary school, its place in the overall development of the child. The author highlighted content lines and types of lessons, characterized the activity approach to lessons and classes in physical training. Keywords: description of the graduate, educational tasks, parts and content of the subject, physical training lesson | 1330 | |||||
309 | Using the very great historical material the author describes the charity activities of the Siberian merchantry in the field of general and special education especially of the second half of the 19th century. | 1329 | |||||
310 | The article concerns some investigation aspects of hagiographic tradition in Russian literature of classical period. Some artistic handling of narrative texts and various methods of introduction narrative elements in secular works are analyzed. Illustrative materials are works by masters of Russian prose from A. I. Gertsen to A. A. Abramov. Keywords: hagiographic traditions, narrative texts, Russian prose | 1329 | |||||
311 | The article analyses the correlation between symbolic and mimetic components in the description of Yuryatin in the novel «Doctor Zhivago» by Boris Pasternak. Perm is defined as the geographical prototype for the fictional town and the transformation of the real city into literary image is traced. Also the attention is given to pragmatic relations of locus and text. It is displayed how novelistic reality becomes the object of socio-cultural and marketing strategies, how Yuryatin enters the symbolic reality of contemporary Perm. Keywords: Pasternak, "Doctor Zhivago", semiotics, literary text pragmatics | 1329 | |||||
312 | In this article economic mechanisms of environmental protection in the Russian Federation are considered: taxes and non-tax payments, financing of ecological programs by the state, nature protection investments of the enterprises, measures of responsibility for violation of nature protection actions, also are revealed the directions of improvement of economic incentives of nature users. The received results indicate insignificant number of use of economic mechanisms in Russia in comparison with other countries, but their adjusted work and efficiency prove to be true statistical data. Keywords: economic mechanisms of environmental protection, prirodopolzovatel, ecological taxes, public financing of ecological programs, ecological responsibility | 1329 | |||||
313 | have caused the appropriate reforms in the forms of educational process organization, methods, means of study and control at an institution of higher education. Therefore, it is necessary for us to reveal the topicality of distance study within the framework of this article, on the whole, and an electronic textbook, in particular, for the students of non-linguistic institution of higher education, to determine the most optimal methods, means of study and control of foreign language. First of all, it is necessary for us to give the definition of distance study. Distance study – the form of educational process organization, when the study, for instance, of a foreign language is realized at a distance, with the help of computerized telecommunication systems. For many years this form of study has been implemented as a postal tuition. Distance study provides of many opportunities in contrast to different forms of a postal tuition. | 1328 | |||||
314 | The article is devoted to the components of teaching pre-translation text analysis, to characteristics of this analysis and its components. The elements of pre-translation text analysis lay the basis for distinguishing elements of teaching this activity. These elements are: linguistic categories, text analysis skills and the teaching model. | 1328 | |||||
315 | In this work the modern theoretical and methodological approaches to study of the concept “spirituality” are analised. Spirituality is examined as a higher fine-tuning of man, its integrating and systembuilding function is in forming of integrity of the psychical world of personality are underlined, the fundamental role of spirituality is grounded as a regulator of behavior and activity of man, his mutual relations with other people. Keywords: spirituality, valued-semantic sphere of personality, self-actualization, self-fulfillment | 1328 | |||||
316 | The comments present phonemic record of the Nenets words used in the article of N.A. Tuchkova and L.K. Shurkina. Phonological transcription brings into correlation the Cyrillic record found in the article to that one used in the Forest Nenets dictionaries and language materials. | 1327 | |||||
317 | In this paper the concept of learner autonomy is reviewed in its historical development in pedagogy and in foreign languages teaching. The opinions of different scientists on the problem of learner autonomy development in a learning process are given, the projects carried out in this field of research are described, the conditions necessary for successful learner autonomy development are stated, the factors which served as a stimulus for the development of learner autonomy concept are analyzed. Keywords: teaching foreign languages, lifelong learning, learner autonomyм | 1327 | |||||
318 | Any research should begin with clear comprehension of a problem and its exact formulation. Research of a complex problem if it is not organized in appropriate way, occurs “trial and error method”. In order to “tests and mistakes” was less, beforehand it is necessary to develop some technique of research for a concrete theme or a problem. An example of search of the solution of a problem is developed the author and the technique of research submitted here. Keywords: system, stability of development, management, processes, inputs, outputs, pedagogical system | 1327 | |||||
319 | The article points the psychology-pedagogical questions of formation of text competence as a part of professional preparation of teachers. The structure of text competence was created and competences of perception, understanding and interpretation were determined in the professional preparation of students of pedagogical university | 1326 | |||||
320 | The pre-revolutjonary history of the Tomsk State University from the very beginning of its foundation is considered in the given paper. The first Siberian University was the centre of social life and had a favourable effect on culture of the whole region, it served as a means of migrating well-educated people and training of highly qualified medical staff and lawyers. The work was carried out due to financial support of RGNF (project № 00-03-00239). | 1325 | |||||
321 | . | 1325 | |||||
322 | Peculiarities of training would-be teachers of computer science in a teacher training university and those related to training them in computational geometry are examined. The matter concerns the necessity of designing the Computational Geometry course with the basic principles of teaching geometry and computer science taken into consideration. General principles of designing the course to be lectured in a pedagogical institute of higher education are formulated and the course components – in particular, geometry, programming, computer science, psychology and pedagogics are presented. Keywords: computer science, methods of teaching, didactic principles, computational geometry | 1325 | |||||
323 | The article considers the problem of the category of modality, and in particular, it reviews one of its basic types, subjective modality (or author’s modality), which is tightly bound to the author’s intention. The paper presents the classification model of such intentions. Keywords: allusion, allusive name, intertextuality, subjective and objective modalities, intention, classification | 1325 | |||||
324 | In the analysis of the concepts of «school disadaption», «school adaptation», describes their characteristics and levels. It shows the mechanism of school disadaption and the process of transition to the state of adaptation with the help of specially created pedagogical conditions. Keywords: adaptation/disadaption of social, psychological, school, study; children of the risk group of school disadaption, pedagogical conditions of overcoming the school disadaption of the schoolchildren | 1325 | |||||
325 | The problem of the function of the low in the law science is comparatively new. For the first time, the concept of “function of the law” was used in the XIX Century by German lawyer R. Iering. The Russian law science turned to the question of function of the law many times, because analysis of the function of the law is important for learning the essence of the law | 1323 | |||||
326 | The results of comparative analysis of the experience of economically advanced western countries in solving the problem of job placement of graduates of educational institutions are disclosed in the article. The theoretical approaches and practical models of employment of graduates of schools and the system of vocational education in the U.S. are considered. | 1322 | |||||
327 | In clause aspects and the factors influencing formation of administrative competence of heads of educational establishments of all levels of vocational training are considered. Administrative competence of heads of establishments of vocational training is considered as set of personal qualities of the head; forms and methods of realization of improvement of professional skill of heads are described the maintenance. Keywords: Administrative competence; personal qualities of the head; professional skill of the head; method of projects | 1322 | |||||
328 | Test is an instrument of knowledge fair assessment that’s why its quality must appreciated by objective methods (statistic model). Nowadays there are some similar models. Our task is to work recommendations out, models and characteristics that we results of test and quality of test materials. And also to work the expert system that gave us recommendations about quality of test tasks and the whole test. Keywords: expert system, pedagogical test, psychological test, static model, knowledge base | 1322 | |||||
329 | Implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (personal computer, Internet, Web-technologies etc) in the education sphere is a complex issue. There are different opinions which describe both positive and negative ICT influences on participants of educational process. ICT implementation background in the sphere of education, advantages and shortcomings of the informatization process are considered in the article. Also article presents the attempt to identify basic trends emerging in education as a result from Information and Communication Technologies implementation. Keywords: information and communication technologies in education, innovations, continuous education, Internet, coaching, educational services | 1322 | |||||
330 | The article provides ground for the necessity to model the system of professional competency of would-be economists which includes a number of interrelated components: goal, regularities, principles, tasks, basic directions, organizational forms, methods of teaching and upbringing, means and the resulting component. Keywords: model, system of preparation of would-be economists, professional competency | 1322 | |||||
331 | The article explains the concept of «educational disadaptation», the mechanism of its formation, levels, signs and indicators. The author is offer the model of realization of pedagogical terms of overcoming of educational disadaptation of teenagers at basic general school. Keywords: difficulty in education, school disadaptation, educational disadaptation, pedagogical terms to overcoming of educational disadaptation, educational activities. | 1322 | |||||
332 | The article deals with the issue of using e-mail for independent students’ learning a foreign language. E-mail is an effective tool of independent study that can be applied at every stage of learning. Different examples of tasks and internet resources that can be used in the process of study are given. Methodological ground of the e-mail necessity for students’ motivation is outlined. Keywords: independent study, e-mail, motivation, authentic material, IT technology | 1322 | |||||
333 | In the article «Polysemantiks of the modern culture and its main characteristics* the author examines the «settled» approaches to the cultural studies and selects their weak sides, which do not let perform the modern cultural situation from different points. The most identical approach is the hermeneutic approach presenting the textuality of the culture. Textuality and performativity - there are two main characteristics of the culture. Their interaction lies in the ground of the cultural polysemantik. | 1321 | |||||
334 | The article is the result of theoretical study of the influence of various contemporary subcultural movements on the development of the personality of a teenager. We consider the negative aspect of the subcultures influence on the personality of a teenager. Keywords: subculture, the types of subcultures, informal youth groups, the influence of subcultures on the personality of a teenager | 1321 | |||||
335 | In the article the author theoretically substantiated the importance of text competence as compulsory condition of high level professional training in the context of competency approach. It specifies the structure of the professional competence of future linguists, translators, the integrant component of which is a professional text competence serving as base of translator professional skills, such as linguistic competence, communicative competence, text-forming competence, technical competence, personal and psychological competence within the framework of two languages. Keywords: competency approach, professional competence of linguists, interpreters, text competence, text work, professional text competence | 1321 | |||||
336 | The article is devoted to consideration of one of the actual problems of modern school education – the modular training at physics lessons. Modular training allows pupils developing cognitive activity, their ways of thinking, to form and increase their motivation for getting new information and knowledge. As an example of the developed structure of modular training with elements of research activity authors offer the theme «Force» in the seventh form. Keywords: Modular training, the module, the block, research skills, research skills, presentation abilities, selfeducation, cognitive activity, creative research activity, the block-schemes, scientifically-research activity | 1320 | |||||
337 | The article explains the essence of personal and professional development of teachers through an analysis of understanding of professionalism, development, activity, life as a basis to work with an innovative staffing resource. The author offers a look at the holistic development of personality, which has semantic factors on life teaching capacities. Keywords: activity, activity of the teacher, professionalism, professionalism, development, personal and professional development | 1320 | |||||
338 | For professional independent learning students need modern computer technologies. Interactive students can obtain not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills. With the introduction of new information technologies, this problem is of particular importance. Keywords: interactivity, information technology, computer dialogue, self | 1320 | |||||
339 | This article discusses the research as a form of professional specialists in the field of adaptive physical education.In accordance with the professional activities of the proposed to discuss the requirements for the development of the main results of the educational program of training in mind «research», presented in the draft state educational standart new generation of competence format. Keywords: science, research, scientific research, theory, method, adaptive physical education, those with limited health competence | 1319 | |||||
340 | New materials of fauna of zooplankton communities of raised bogs hollows of Pechora-Onegensis province are given in this article on the example of one raised bog which is situated in Vologda region. As result of the research work, 33 species of plankton invertebrate (Rotatoria – 13, Cladocera – 15 and Copepoda – 5) were discovered in composition of zooplankton of raised bogs hollows. 7 species are new records to the fauna of Vologda region. They are: Lacinularia ismailoviensis, Lecane (Monostyla) arcuata, L. (M.) cornuta, Monommata aequalis, Simocephalus serrulatus, Scapholeberis microcephala and Bunops serricaudata. The complex of specific species of raised bogs mires hollows was specified. There is presented the seasonal dynamics of quantitative characteristics of zooplankton communities in hollows. The installed differences in structure of hollows zooplankton fauna depending on miscellaneous degree of water level. Keywords: zooplankton, hollow, raised bog, Vologda region, Alekseevskoe-1 mire, Rotatoria, Cladocera, Copepoda | 1319 | |||||
341 | Through the example of the Russian writer M.Arcibashew’s literary influence to the Uzbek poet A.Cholpon’s works the article proves the importance of literary influence for the Modern Comparative Literature Studies. It is stated, that following M. Arcibashew’s writing style in the novel “The Night and the Day”, A.Cholpon used the body of people as an aesthetic object; thought of the dualistic nature of people and the problems of human’s happiness. Keywords: comparative literature, influence, literary contacts, idea, figures of speech, conflict, interliterary relations | 1318 | |||||
342 | The article considers the educational system in China after the Second World War, the Soviet Union’s role in its formation. It shows transformations of Chinese education at the turn of the century, the foundation of private universities and the policy of the Chinese government in teacher training and reforms in recent years. Keywords: teacher education, the system of education, education in China, private higher education institutions, comparative characteristics of national and foreign experience | 1318 | |||||
343 | In this given article the author, emphasizing the importance of music perception as one of the main kinds of children’s musical activity, shows the opportunity of successful lessons with little children of 2-3 years old. The author examined the stages of the work about listening to music, defined the themes within the capacity of children’s realization for the next choice of musical works for listening to music. It is emphasized the peculiarity of using the visual-didactic aids at the early age during the perception of music. The author’s conclusion was given according to the results of the practical activity in the groups of the little kids about 2 years old and above of kindergarden №916 in the SAD of Moscow. Keywords: Perception of music, children of 2-3 years old, the themes, practical activity, visual-didactic aids | 1317 | |||||
344 | The article deals with the dialogic nature and basic functions of title-intertexts, their culturological peculiarities in Mandelshtam lyrics. The research is based on the theory of textual associations, introduced in communicative text stylistics. Keywords: intertextuality, intertext, title-intertext, culturological associations, allusion | 1317 | |||||
345 | The paper is devoted to elaborating an inventory of methods for the source study and analysis of periodicals, covering an ethnopolitical conflict, as a historical source. The current study focuses on the Nagorny Karabakh Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict of the perestroika period. The paper reveals the stages and the methods of a historical study that involves periodicals as a major set of sources on the Nagorny Karabakh conflict. Keywords: periodicals as a historical source, methods of a historical study, Armenian-Azerbaijan ethnopolitical conflict | 1317 | |||||
346 | In Nabokov’s novel “The Eye” semantics of sleep is researched by means of analysis of plot, narrative and intertextual levels of the work, it is proved that through a dialogue with classical literature Nabokov expresses his interpretation of sleep which corresponds to existential world outlook. Keywords: Russian-language literature abroad, Nabokov, Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, motive, sleep, dream, baroque, romanticism, existentialism, consciousness | 1317 | |||||
347 | The purpose of the present paper is to discuss three key terms of motivology: motivation, motivational connections, inner form of the word. This terms are analyzed in compliance with the time of their formation (1970). Such an approach permits to resume the development of motivology term system. Keywords: motivology, terms, motivation, motivational connections, inner form of the word | 1317 | |||||
348 | Prospects of application of the nonlinear dynamical approach to the understanding of consciousness and its cognitive functions are under discussion in the article. A whole number of notions of nonlinear dynamics are involved in the epistemological analysis, such as the fast hyperbolic, avalanche-like growth, multitude of alternative paths of development, change of a tempo of development, cycles of activity, thresholds of excitement, heightened sensibility in states of instability or an ability for growth of small disturbances into macrostructures, cascades of bifurcations, phase transitions, poising at the edge of chaos. It is shown that consciousness is emergent, holistic, embodied, situated, and enactive by its nature. The model of autopoiesis, i.e. of self-production and structural coupling of cognitive agent and of a medium of its activity, turns to be relevant for the understanding machinery of cognitive and creative work Keywords: non-linear-dynamic approach, non-classical epistemology, non-linear dynamics, cognitive functions of consciousness, characteristics of consciousness, mechanisms of cognition and creation, model of autopoezis. | 1316 | |||||
349 | In the article is described model of management municipal system of education based democratic state-public relations (the approaches, principles, ideas, four-levels organizing structure), are shown results to its approbations on the base of the educational system Maiskiy municipal region of Kabardino-Balkar Republic. Keywords: the municipal system of education, state-public management, model of management, organizing structure | 1315 | |||||
350 | This article include description of method value students' competences Keywords: competence, indicator, method of value competence | 1315 |