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51 | The article looks at the linguistic category of precedence in internet memes which are popular internet phenomena nowadays. The article is relevant due to the necessity of studying precedent phenomena in such a new internet genre as internet meme. The study involves the analysis of Russian internet memes. The methods include random sampling technique and discourse analysis. The study shows that a large variety of precedent phenomena (precedent names, statements, texts and situations) can be found in internet memes. Precedent phenomena fulfil several important functions acting as a device to trigger a humorous effect, to establish a dialogue with the reader, to convey an aesthetic effect or to set an intellectual game. The study offers a thorough examination of precedent phenomena functions in internet memes as well as the analysis of cognitive features of precedent phenomena. The study demonstrates that precedent phenomena are connected with cognitive sphere because they form a cognitive field which involves different concepts, frames and scripts. Special attention is given in the article to the comparison of precedent phenomena in internet memes to those in other types of discourse. This research area is interesting for further analysis. To sum up, precedent phenomena play an important role in internet memes, which is justified by the high occurrence and diversity of precedent phenomena in internet memes. Keywords: internet meme, meme, internet communication, precedent phenomena, precedence, precedent text | 2003 | |||||
52 | The article considers the actual problems of rural schools of some countries, in particular, schools with a small amount of pupils. The new role of rural schools taking into account demographic, social, economic and political living conditions of the concrete country comes to light. Experience of training in rural schools of the foreign countries, which is of interest for Russian education is presented. Keywords: small school, rural school, training, the country, one-room school, school role, class-complete set | 1997 | |||||
53 | The article is dedicated to the concept of the space elaborated by the French philosopher and social theorist Henri Lefebvre. Trying to overcome reductionism, typical of metaphysical theories of space, Lefebvre turns to daily experience of space and considers it in three interdependent dimensions: material, socio-political and research ones. The primary sociality of space means, according to Lefebvre, that the question of production of space should be asked in the context of problem of production and reproduction of social relations. So, the analysis of space assumes the character of social critique: to change society means for Lefebvre to change space (and vice versa). Keywords: production, spatiology, social space, everyday life, capitalism | 1960 | |||||
54 | Human health factors of risk assessment - scientific direction, work up technology in prognosis to interaction of the system «organism of man - environmental». Calculated indexes, characterize level at influence in the biological systems from environmental factors, in the organism of man, allow assessment of probability in the possibility negative efficacy and construction program of administration of risk for reduction in the his level to definite size. One by key methodological approach of human ecology maybe introduction in the practical construction of models influence from environmental chemicals of the factors risk in human health for conservation ecological security of the region. Keywords: human health, factors of risk, biological efficacy, methodology, risk assessment from environmental chemicals | 1892 | |||||
55 | This article is devoted to the exposure of the essence of the phenomenon of cognitive interests. The author analyses various scientific positions of research workers, discovers the law-governed nature of the development of cognitive interests, regards the factors, influencing the strivings of a child to cognitive activities. Keywords: keywords_eng | 1869 | |||||
56 | This article presents the review of contemporary theoretical submission and ways to researching of coping behavior. Basic functions, structure and types of coping are described, the most adaptive and desadaptive coping strategies are pointed. Foreign methods of coping behavior research are presented. In the end of article the author begins to introduce the reader with the results of wide domestic research of coping behavior repertory in sample, included 1627 Russians. Research was led in frames of adaptation and standardization of R. Lazarus original methodic. Keywords: psychological adaptation, coping, psychological defense, methods of measurement of coping | 1868 | |||||
57 | Catalase is class enzyme oxidoreduktase, a part antioxidant sisthemes of a cage and carrying out function antiperexise protection. In clinical biochemistry mainly define activity of a catalase a photometric method in following biological environments: integral blood, plasma, erytrocytes. Activity of a catalase of blood – one of prognostic tests of expressiveness endotoxicose a human body. The analysis of activity of a catalase finds application in ecology of the person as a biomarker of infringements metabolic processes in an organism, both in blood, and in other biological environments (for example, a saliva). For an estimation of quality of environment in the person ecology uses photometric measurement of concentration of a catalase in air of a working zone. Keywords: catalase, biological environments, human body, endotoxicose, clinical and biochemical estimation | 1863 | |||||
58 | The article points to method of fiction concept modelling in poetic discourse of M.A. Voloshin on the basis of analysis of textual associates, which are a part of associative sphere of chaos concept. The research is related to communicative stylistics of text. Keywords: discursive analysis, method, chaos concept, textual associate, direction of associate | 1862 | |||||
59 | Structure of communicative abilities is determined based on integrated approach, their components are revealed on psychophysiological, psychological and socio-psychological levels. Features of senior adolescents communicative abilities are investigated, high-communicative, medium-communicative and low-communicative adolescents are characterized. Factor analysis in all groups of adolescents allowed us to define some mechanisms of communicative abilities development such as activity, collectivist orientation, great need to communication, success motivation, affiliation motivation and emotional stability. Keywords: communicative abilities, senior adolescents, activity, orientation, affiliation motivation, style of interpersonal relationships | 1826 | |||||
60 | The article substantiates the effectiveness of gamification as a new way of learning organization, having a great pedagogical potential. It is proved that the use of computer games tools in the educational process, firstly, increases the motivation of the subject to give a stronger and better attention to educational activities, and secondly, extend the commitment to the goal, and finally, increases the probability of achieving this goal. From other gaming practices (role-playing, business games, etc.) gamification differs in not imitation nature of the activity: keeping unchanged the content of educational activities gamification radically transforms the way of organization these activities and accompany the entire education cycle. Keywords: gamification of education, gaming technology, way of learning organization | 1800 | |||||
61 | The article deals with the theory of competence-based approach, which is the methodological basis for the implementation of the GEF HPE. There was spotted urgency of the implementation of competence-based approach in the educational process of the GEF HPE. The centrepiece of the article takes the concept of “competence approach”, the introduction of which in education improves the quality of training of professionals. There is analysis of the concepts of “competence” and “competence” and their relationships. There was revealed the meaning of the term “educational content”. Keywords: competence approach, expertise, competence, metaquality | 1793 | |||||
62 | The investigation is devoted to the history of education from the late 19th century till the early 90s of the 20th century. The problem of educational system reforming in pre-revolutionary Russia are investigated Keywords: : history of education, educational reforming, history of higher education, history ofpre-revolutionary school, historiographical review | 1792 | |||||
63 | Introduction. Primary school is the most responsible period in the development of personality, because it allows the student not only to master the educational activities, but also actively participate in the process of socialization. It is significant that for modern junior schoolchildren both extra-curricular and educational activities are implemented in the conditions of informatization of the life of society and education. Aim and objectives. Consequently, primary school teachers should be aware of the changes taking place in the daily life of students, study the requirements of the state and adjust their professional activities in such a way as to solve the problem of social literacy in the digital school. Comparison of the requirements of regulatory documents allowed to determine the purpose of the study, which consists in scientifically based modeling of the process of formation of social literacy of students. Material and methods. The content of the article is based on the use of methods: theoretical analysis, expert method, methods of pedagogical modeling, analysis and interpretation of pedagogical practice. By clarifying the conceptu al field on the basis of a polynuclear analysis, a connection has been established between the content of the terms: competence – functional literacy, socialization – social literacy. Comparative analysis of ideas about key competences in different countries of the world, contributed to clarifying the characteristics of social literacy and the characteristics of its formation in primary school. Results and discussion. The most important result of scientific research was the pedagogical model developed on the basis of environmental, competence, personality-oriented and axiological approaches. The most difficult professional tasks for an elementary school teacher are reasonably attributed to the creation and development of communities and the education of responsible behavior of younger schoolchildren in the conditions of informatization. As an example, the results of pedagogical practice on the implementation of the developed model in the conditions of the information-educational environment and their scientific interpretation in the logic of the continuous professional development of the teacher are given. Conclusion. The conclusion emphasizes the need to take into account the new conditions of the organization of the educational process in primary school for the formation of social literacy of younger schoolchildren. Materials of the article can be used by managers of advanced training and retraining programs for primary education workers, administrative and methodological teams of educational institutions of general education. Keywords: key competences, junior schoolchild, socialization, social functional literacy, information and educational environment | 1773 | |||||
64 | The article raises a problem of classification of high technologies (Hi-Tech). To create an adequate classification of Hi-Tech it is necessary to reveal specificity of their creation and mechanisms of their influence on social-cultural systems and on a person. Complexity and multivariability of the problem is caused by polysemanticism of the concepts «technology» and «high technology». The creation of technology is proved to consist of three separate stages: technological knowledge, technological process and replication of technology products. The specific features of these stages are fixed in a spectrum of numerous definitions. The revealed stages let us to establish the informational nature of technologies. Hi-Tech causes self-organization effects of social-cultural systems that cannot be predicted. Hi-Tech are complex historic developing systems which cannot be considered without taking into account interactions with a person. During these interactions Hi-Tech turns into a self-supported network that functions according to the law of self-organization. So, to research and describe Hi-Tech processes demands for specific methods and methodology. Classification of Hi-Tech can be adequate only in case if all features of high technologies described above are taken into consideration Keywords: high technology, Hi-Tech, high technology classification, notion “technology”, notion «high technology», information-synergetic approach, information nature of creating technology, self-organization of socio-cultural systems, system of high technologies a | 1768 | |||||
65 | The results of the tests interviewed on training overloads among the students of 6–8 forms of comprehensive schools have been reported. The problems of efficient organization of classes and scheduling of training process throughout a week have been discussed. Comparative analyses of such marks as school anxiety, well-being, activity and mood for students with different level of training loads have been made. The recommendations on psychic prophylaxis of training overloads in the frameworks of cooperation of educational parties have been proposed. Keywords: mental health, adolescence, training workload, training overloads, emotional state, cooperation, psychic prophylaxis | 1758 | |||||
66 | The article deals with the peculiarities of the use of reverse comparison forms in Modern English. The category of adjectival comparison, constituted by three degrees and five forms, expresses the quantitative characteristic of the quality of a nounal referent. The synthetic forms of comparison in -er and -(e)st coexist with the analytical more/most-forms (direct comparison) on the one hand and the analytical forms effected by the auxiliaries less and least (reverse comparison) on the other. Linguists often point out the semantic and functional parallelism existing between the synthetic forms of comparison and the more/most-combinations while the less/least-combinations are regarded as completely opposite. But from grammatical point of view, the term ‘opposite meaning’ amounts to ascertaining the categorial equality of the forms compared. The basic form as the positive degree of comparison is quite often included in one and the same syntagmatic correlations with the other members of comparison scale. The reverse comparison forms are of lesser usage than the direct ones. Psychologically it is easier to follow the direct model of comparison based on the principle of addition than the reverse model based on the principle of subtraction, but in some cases the reverse comparison forms are indispensable. The reverse comparative and superlative forms can be found in syntagmatic correlations with the positive degree form and all the forms of direct comparison. The reverse comparison performs several significant functions. The most important of them are: subtraction of qualitative quantities without changing the nature of a quality, understatement as far as negative qualities are concerned, euphemistic usage, creating comic effect. Keywords: adjective, degrees of comparison, reverse comparison forms, syntagmatic correlations, comparative semantics, euphemisms | 1726 | |||||
67 | The article is devoted to the developing of the content of notion “linguistic competence” in the history of linguistics and teaching methods of foreign languages, to overview the main concepts of foreign and native scholars to define this term, it gives a structure of linguistic competence of different authors. The analysis of main approaches to this notion lays the basis for defying the notion of “linguistic competence” in terms of modern teaching methods of foreign languages. Keywords: inguistic competence, communicative competence, linguistic knowledge, know-how and skills, linguistic abilities, language activity, communication | 1719 | |||||
68 | In the article the problem of the typology of political regimes in modern times is considered. With the comparative historical approach we single out the specifics of the Russian autocracy as opposed to absolutism, and from oriental despotism. Keywords: absolutism, autocracy, despotism, political regime, modern times | 1716 | |||||
69 | The article gives the theoretical analysis on the problem of an adolescent's mental growth, formation of egocentrism, and methods of its correction. Much attention is also paid to the problem of school disadaptation in the system of education on the whole and in the process of an adolescent's personality formation in particular Keywords: egocentrism, school disadaptation, decentering, resocialization, correction, prevention, rehabilitation | 1708 | |||||
70 | The article deals with socially important issues of multicultural personality in a multicultural society. The issuesof ethnic identity, ethno-tolerant interaction are relevant to the social, psychological, pedagogical and scientific levels. Multiethnic educational environment is presented as a modern reality, in which the developing person, require specially organized focused psycho-pedagogical support. It involves creating the system that will create the necessary psycho-pedagogical conditions for the successful development of a multicultural personality. Keywords: multicultural personality, multiethnic educational week, psycho-pedagogical support, ethnical tollerance. | 1708 | |||||
71 | The attention of researchers to continuous education is sharply increased because of growing impact of continuous education on the development of economy, society and individuals. At the same time it is necessary to stress that there is a lack of settled terminology concerning continuous education. Various terminology approaches to continuous education are considered in the article: additional vocational training, adult education, lifelong learning, etc. The article presents an attempt to generalize existing approaches and to formulate offers on development of the unified conceptual framework in the given sphere. Keywords: continuous education, adult education, continuous vocational training, terminology, definition, legislation in the sphere of continuous education | 1691 | |||||
72 | Salimovskiy V. A. - // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2004. Issue 1 (38). P. 94-96 | 1688 | |||||
73 | The present paper deals with the main theoretical aspects of professional self-nomination of schoolchildren in condition of specialized education. The author considers professionally oriented work as one of professional self-nomination of schoolchildren. Scientific and different law acts of the pre-specialized and specialized education are studied. In the paper the author touches upon the question about the system of psychological and pedagogical work with schoolchildren in the frame of specialized education. Keywords: professional self-determination, profile training, preprofile preparation, vocational counselling, psihologo-pedagogical support | 1682 | |||||
74 | The article represents a psychological mechanism of cognitive education as one of the factors that provides common secondary education quality. The cognitive education is psychological and didactic system. The basis of this system is a substantiated scientific conception of structural and functional personal cognitive sphere organization. Keywords: cognitive, personal cognitive sphere, structure, cognitive education | 1673 | |||||
75 | We review modified F(R)-gravity as realistic candidate to describe the observable universe expansion history. We show that recent cosmic acceleration, radiation/matter-dominated epoch and inflation could be realized in the framework of F(R)-gravity in the unified way. For some viable classes of F(R)-gravity, the Newton law is respected and there is no so-called matter instability (the very heavy positive mass for additional scalar degree of freedom is generated). The reconstruction program in modified gravity is also reviewed and it is demonstrated that any time-evolution of the universe expansion could be realized in F(R)-gravity. These models remain to be realistic also in the presence of non-minimal gravitational coupling with usual matter. It is shown that same model which passes local tests and predicts the unification of inflation with cosmic acceleration also describes dark matter thanks to presence of additional scalar degree of freedom and chameleon mechanism. Keywords: dark energy, cosmological singularity, cosmic acceleration | 1673 | |||||
76 | In this article there was an attempt to give a brief characteristic of foundation and development of Russian soldiers' glorious traditions from ancient times through nowadays, when Internal Troops of Interior ought to carry out service and combat tasks in conditions of fighting against international terrorism in all its forms. | 1670 | |||||
77 | The syndrome of burnout is the process of gradual loss of emotional, cognitive and physical energy, appearing in the form of emotional and mental exhaustion, and decrease of work satisfaction. It is regarded as the result of working stress which has not been successfully overcome. In the article preventive, medicinal and rehabilitation measures are also discussed Keywords: the syndrome of burnout, professional activity, prevention of burnout, therapy of burnout | 1669 | |||||
78 | The present article deals with correlation of the concepts «public activity» and «social activity». The main attention is paid to the essence and the structure of the concept «social activity». The results of the stating experiment are analyzed and the ways of the forming of the social activity of teachers training institute students are offered. Keywords: social activity, public activity, elements of social activity, necessity, directedness, value aspects, responsibility | 1668 | |||||
79 | The article contents brief historiographical overview of the policy of enlightened absolutism of the Empress Catherine II. The article attempts a comparative analysis of the views of Soviet researchers, starting from the second half of the twentieth century, and the latest time on the question of enlightened character of the policy of Catherine II. In this essay specifics of interpretation of domestic Soviet and contemporary researchers such policy aspects of the Empress as an enlightened monarch as a problem as a problem of the chronological framework of enlightened absolutism, the problem of reception of heritage of the age of Enlightenment and other. Keywords: Catherine II, French Enlightenment, enlightened absolutism, perception | 1666 | |||||
80 | The knowledge of the historical process of the development of the concept of differentiation education for understanding the essence and practical importance of the system of education in regional conditions. The fact, that differentiation education is primordially connected with the problem of self-determination of the rising generation, is illustrated by the examples of the concrete historical stages in the development of the system of education in Russia. | 1660 | |||||
81 | The article reveals Cultural transfer as a dynamic process of cross-cultural communication, describes its entity and provides its definition, structure analysis methods and ways of functioning. Much attention is devoted to the place and function of cultural transfer in literary interactions system. Keywords: cultural transfer, literary interactions, reception, cross-cultural communication | 1660 | |||||
82 | The article explores poetics and a range of problems considering Russian military fiction of the 1990-2000-s (O. Yermakov, Z. Prilyepin, A. Babchenko) in the context of antecedent military fiction, both recent (V. Astafiev, G. Vladimov, V. Makanin) and remote (the «lieutenant» prose of V. Nekrasov, G. Baklanov, Yury Bondarev). Keywords: Military fiction of the 1990-2000-s, documentary, naturalism, literary tradition | 1659 | |||||
83 | The article is devoted to the use of case-study method in the process of foreign language teaching, which aims to form students’ professional communicative competence. The paper contains the opportunities of the given educational technology, goals of cases, stages of work, as well as practical recommendations for students. Keywords: case, case-study, technology, communicative competence, foreign language teaching | 1646 | |||||
84 | The article considers the basic modern approaches to economic classification of nature resources, represented in works of the Russian and foreign scientists. The comparative analysis of these approaches is realized and the system of their methods is analyzed | 1622 | |||||
85 | The problem of the burnout syndrome`s formation is discussed. The authors used the test “The Systematic Index of Burnout” (based on “Maslach Burnout Inventory”) and received some data to give careful consideration to the problem of job burnout among psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses working in hospitals and outpatient settings. Keywords: burnout syndrome, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduced personal accomplishment, tedium | 1619 | |||||
86 | Deprivation – privation or limitation (defect) of possibilities of satisfaction of vitally important necessities means. Deprivation symptom’s at children-orphans plugs in itself actually all spectrums of psychical rejections – from lungs to gross violations of development of and character. Violations of development for a child, brought up in deprivations terms, takes place on 4th levels: sensory, когнитивном, emotional, social. Certainly, in a clean kind each of them it is possible to distinguish only in the special experiments, and in life they exist in the difficult enough interlacing. Keywords: mother deprivation, deprivation situation, deprivation experience, levels deprivation, development of personality, children’s- orphan, attachment | 1615 | |||||
87 | The article is devoted to the concepts of structure of foreign linguistic competence, overviewed in the monograph “Common European Framework of Reference for languages: learning, teaching, assessment” of Council of Europe and Russian teaching methods of foreign languages. The analysis of main approaches to the content of linguistic competence lays the basis for defying the general structural components of this notion, assigned by foreign and native methodologists. Keywords: linguistic competence; communicative competence; linguistic knowledge, know-how and skills; lexical, grammatical, semantic, phonological, orthographic, orthoepic competences | 1599 | |||||
88 | This article is devoted to the exposure of the essence of the phenomenon of cognitive activities of a human being. The author analyses various scientific positions of research workers, discovers the law-governed nature of the development of cognitive activities on the early stages of the formation of personality in its ontogenesis, regards the factors, influencing the strivings of the child after the cognitive activities. Keywords: cognitive needs, cognitive activities, cognitive interest | 1595 | |||||
89 | The article examines the semantic and stylistic system of comparisons in the fairy-tale poem “The Maiden Tsar” by M. I. Tsvetaeva. The purpose of the article is to compare features of the source domain and the target domain corre sponding to the comparisons in the fairy-tale poem of M. Tsvetaeva with the features of the images of The Maiden Tsar and Tsarevitch. The cognitive theory of the metaphorical speech and the theory of the literary word associativity developed in the communicative stylistics of text are the basis of the analysis of comparisons. In relation to comparisons, target domain (A) is a compared object, its semantic features, while source domain (B) is an object, with which A is compared. In the consciousness of an addresser, source domain is a reaction to the target domain, while, in the consciousness of an addressee, it is an incentive to form the associative field of the target domain. As one of the most important characteristics of the literary word, associativity allows the addresser and the addressee to compare two domains (A and B) on a definite basis (C), which becomes a key to the aesthetic sense. The analysis includes semantic and stylistic, statistic and stylistic methods. The system of comparisons reflects the important characteristics of the key images of the poem. It concerns not only means of expression of the comparison (for example, Ablative of Comparison expressing brightness, sharpness, and dynamism plays a great role in the representation of The Maiden Tsar, while conjunctions of comparison with unreal modality expressing that the character is lost and incompatible with material world are significant in the realization of the image of Tsarevitch), but also the comparison of the target domain and source domain. The following conclusions are the result of the research: in the comparison of the target domain of comparisons representing The Maiden Tsar and Tsarevitch, the integral semantic feature is the unusualness of characters belonging to another world. However, they have different nature of this belonging: The Maiden Tsar has the solar one (semantics of life, energy, warmth), while Tsarevitch has the lunar one (semantics of unreality, physical weakness, cold). Comparison of the other semantic characteristics of the target domain (a type of beauty and strength) occurs according to this central opposition. The differentiation of images according to the characteristics of the target domain includes the difference of such semantic dominants as the strength of love (in the image of The Maiden Tsar) and creativity (in the image of Tsarevitch). Source domain reflects the associative richness of the poetic world of M. Tsvetaeva. Aesthetic content of the comparisons of M. Tsvetaeva is endless. However, the analysis of comparisons based on the approaches of communicative stylistics of text and cognitive linguistics makes it possible to describe comparisons as the semantic and stylistic system. Keywords: idiostyle of M. Tsvetaeva, fairy-tale poem “The Maiden Tsar”, comparison, source domain, target domain | 1595 | |||||
90 | The article considers the problem of social anxiety among young people (students) in educational institution by studying the psychological protection mechanisms, which take part in conservation of homeostasis. Pilot research was implemented in the paradigm: psychological protections - adaptation or obstacle to self realization. Keywords: social anxiety, social phobia, comorbid conditions, psychological protections, self realization | 1594 | |||||
91 | The paper is dedicated to the placement problems of the children who lost custody of their biological parents. In the paper various ways of orphans' placement into families, i.e. adoption, custody, foster care, are presented in detail. 102 replacement families taking charge of the children participated in the experiment. The results of the study of social and psychological characteristics of replacement families revealed the difficulties in establishing contact with an adopted child, and the need of replacement families for targeted supervision by psychologists and teachers at all stages of an orphan's placement. Keywords: replacement families, placement of children left without parental care, supervision by psychologists and teachers, adoption, custody, foster carereplacement families, placement of children left without parental care, supervision by psychologists and teach | 1592 | |||||
92 | The article presents a model of psychological adaptation/reverse adaptation, combining the already known subject in the theory, based on the structural level concept of functioning of the mind. There were determined basic characteristics for psychological adaptation to a high level. That allows exploring psychological adaptation to prenosological level of deviations from normal mental health. This model can be used in the monitoring of educational systems. Keywords: mental health, structural-level concept of the mind, adaptation (psychological, psychophysiological, social, mental), fatigue, maladjustment. | 1592 | |||||
93 | The article is an analysis of the form and contents of Goethe's well-known poem, written in 1780 in the wall of a house at Kikelhan. The author tries to penetrate into the poet's soul at the age of 31 and makes an attempt to prove that in spite of the stability of Goethe's social and material position and his most creative period of life the poet believes that only death will bring him real peace of mind. | 1587 | |||||
94 | The article examines the development of the language of intuition and cognitive interest in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment compared with preschool children with normal speech development. On the basis of experimental data described levels of development of language intuition and cognitive activity in children. Correlated levels of development of linguistic intuition with the severity of the speech underdevelopment. The analysis of psychophysiological development of children with general speech underdevelopment. Revealed that in the linguistic consciousness of preschool children with speech disorders occurs distorted formation of certain norms and rules of language use in speech. Found a decrease in cognitive interest and worsening speech disorders in preschool children with low levels of language intuition. The technology of the formation of cognitive activity and the development of language intuition, which is represented by educational games for children with speech impairments. Keywords: educational games, preschool children with general speech underdevelopment, linguistic intuition, cognitive interest, research, problem speech situations | 1584 | |||||
95 | In this article the author defines concretely concept «economic socialization» through the examination of such categories of economic psychology as economic consciousness, economic behavior, economic role, economical- psychological adaptation. For disclosing the specific character of the process of economic socialization are examined the models of economic person, represented in the economic theories Keywords: economic socialization, economic consciousness, economic behavior, economic role, the economical- psychological adaptation | 1580 | |||||
96 | The paper is dedicated to the issues of foreign language acquisition theory focusing on creating learning materials based on the Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 tools. Working in the Web 2.0 paradigm leads to considerable alterations in the roles of both teacher and student and acquires from the entire learning process more openness and participation. As an example of some positive experience, the author refers to the massive open online courses edX and Coursera. Their analysis allows to formulate a definition of the Web 2.0 learning materials as open network based educational resources or virtual learning environments that provide vertical and horizontal communication of the participants. Keywords: Web 1.0, Web 2.0, foreign language, learning materials, information and communication technologies, virtual learning environment, professional forums | 1580 | |||||
97 | We have tried to analyze the problem of pedagogical communication in teaching practice with the help of different methods. According to the results of the research, just a few teachers are able to control their gestures and use them adequately and appropriately during the lesson. However, these drawbacks and difficulties may be easily overcome if purposeful work on the nonverbal means of pedagogical communication is done, and if deep introspection and special trainings are held. Keywords: teaching practice, pedagogical communication, nonverbal communicative means, gestures, a teacher, a professional | 1576 | |||||
98 | Methodical tasks are units of learning activity and essential means of professional teachers’ training. Determinations of methodical tasks’ content and approaches to their classifications are variable. Methodical tasks are divided according to knowledge and creation levels, incorrect operations of different individuals of learning process, functional units of activity, types of aids presentation etc. Methodical tasks are used at the stages of thinking, design and realization of instructional activity. Keywords: task, learning task, methodical task, professional training, means of teaching, content of teaching | 1575 | |||||
99 | The article investigates the question of the Russian translations of Charlotte Brontл’s works and the translation of Irinarkh Vvedensky in particular. The objective of the article is to determine the characteristics of the translation reception of the Charlotte Brontл’s works in rendering Jane Eyre’s character and outlook. The author concludes that the novel was loosely translated that reflects the translation manner of Irinarkh Vvedensky. Keywords: Charlotte Brontл, Jane Eyre, novel, translation, the 19th century, Irinarkh Vvedensky | 1573 | |||||
100 | A definition of pedagogical consciousness is given in this article. The meaning of external and internal conditions for forming pedagogical consciousness is revealed as well Keywords: consciousness, pedagogical consciousness, self-consciousness, responsibility, creative thinking, tolerance | 1572 |