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1 | The article is devoted to the methods of teaching students the basic often applied algorithms of solving computer problems. The main feature of this methodology is the consistent study of the basic algorithms (sorting and search, information theory and cryptography, recursive algorithms and graph algorithms) implying the use of any programming language and further implementation of the studied algorithms in practice. This course includes laboratory practical tasks. These tasks have the increasing difficulty. At the beginning of the course a simple task demands from the student filling of admissions. More difficult tasks assume independent development and debugging of computer programs. Keywords: methods of teaching, algorithmic thinking, algorithms and data structures, sort and search, recursive algorithms and graph algorithms | 1155 | ||||
2 | The article focuses on the actual problem of programming training for students. A prerequisite for successful learning is the formation of algorithmic thinking. One of the necessary conditions for its formation is the independent solution of tasks of varying degrees of complexity, so during programming training it is important to pay special attention to the organization of independent study. Essential assistance in the organization of self-guided work within the programming training can be provided by the use of special software tools that allow to check the correctness of the developed program automatically. We propose an approach based on the use of the specialized system ‘Ejudge’, which allows to check the correctness of the training program. This system is networked, deployed on the server, work with the system, which is implemented via web interfaces, can be conducted both by the administrator and by users, in the role of which students and teachers act. This technology provides additional opportunities in the organization of training. On the one hand, the trainee can work with the system from any place in which access to the Internet is provided. At the same time, all actions of the trainee are recorded on the server, and are accessible to the teacher. The skills of working with such a system are also necessary for participation in academic competition on programming. Keywords: programming training, algorithmic thinking, testing systems, evaluation tools, olympiad problems | 1079 | ||||
3 | The use of knowledge-based algorithms is one of the most relevant directions. Often these algorithms are referred to as intelligent. It is accepted to distinguish four main classes of such models: logical, productional, frame-based, and network. As we know, the use of any given models is driven by the tasks in hand. From this perspective, logical models have gained momentum. In particular, these models are often used in the creation of expert systems and the automation of proofs of theorems. This article discusses how to implement the validation algorithm for multiple disjuncts. An automatic grammar is used to describe the language of presenting the disjuncts, a resolution method to check their inconsistencies, and a depthfirst search to automate the OL-denial strategy. This algorithm can be used to automatically check provability or indefeasibility of theorems based on many axioms. The step-by-step detalization of this algorithm can be used as an additional tool for teaching the resolution method and searching the state space as well as the basics of the formal languages. The type of going around state space depends on the order of the points in the list OPEN. When searching in the first point’s depth to open it you select the point that is most remote from the intentional one. In this case, you can simplify the implementation of this method by applying a recursive subprogram. Keywords: disjunct, resolution method, OL-denial strategy, finite-state grammar, depthfirst search | 919 |