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1 | The article actualizes the problem of implementation of innovative strategies for creative self-development of Russian and foreign students in vocational education, presents the content of the phenomena of «innovation strategy», «creative self-development», «vocational education», reveales modern trends of the Russian professional education, the importance and relevance of the innovation strategy in the process of modernization of Russian education based on priority documents of Russian education development. Considers the components of the innovation strategy: the implementation of the concepts and pedagogical technology of the formation of value orientations for creative selfdevelopment, expanding educational space, implementing different areas and forms of cooperation. The authors reveal the system of valuable and semantic orientations which includes: humane and moral values (internal harmony, altruism, tolerance, wisdom, emotionally positive attitude towards people and the world), cooperation values (aspiration to personal and professional self-development, ability of creation of a scientific project, training in the new strategy of behavior, aspiration to the maximum creative realization in educational and extracurricular activities, improvisation, intuition and openness to communication), values of orientation to creativity (the strategy of creative self-development, ability to generate the new ideas, the value for creative self-development, internal motivation on creative selfdevelopment, creativity, commitment, autonomy of thinking, behavior and activity, high intellectual level, experience of the solution of creative and research tasks), social values (health, freedom as a possibility of choice, aspiration to selfdevelopment, aspiration to self-determination, ability to overcome difficulties, leadership). The results of implementation of innovation strategies of Russian and foreign participants on creative self-development are provided. Keywords: innovation strategy, innovative strategy, creative self-development, professional education | 1085 | ||||
2 | The article actualizes the realization of the pedagogical technology for creative self-development of future teachers on the basis of the values formation as a current problem of Russian education. The proposed pedagogical technology can be reproduced in terms of continuous education. It will give a possibility of combining the capabilities of various technological solutions to enhance the level of creative self-development of future teachers. The formation of valuesemantic orientations contributes to the successful development of self-processes while projecting self-concept of creative self-development. Pedagogical technology for creative self-development of future educators based on formation of values inherent to a person, citizen, patriot, represents a system of scientifically-based activities to achieve the planned results, which includes the goal, the objectives, the content, the methods, as well as the means and the forms of education. The functional components of pedagogical technology, which are applied as methods for organizing the model of education, and which ensure effective functioning of the educational process, are organizational and pedagogical conditions, stages, criteria, indicators, as well as levels of creative self-development. The content component of pedagogical technology is represented by the didactic system enriched with creative tasks in educational curricula for high-school students, college-level students, and for young teachers – by advanced training programs, as well as by programs of additional education. Instrumental equipment of pedagogical technology on methodological side is provided by the scientific and the methodological, the organizational and the methodological recommendations, as well as by the educational and the methodological complexes on the subjects and the disciplines of training. The procedural component of educational technology on each level of education is indicated by the diagnostic-hermeneutical, the emotional-meaningful, the activity-based and creative, as well as by the innovativereflective stages, in the frameworks of which the expected results are achieved. The result of implementation of pedagogical technology is comprehension, appropriation, and verification by future educators of the system of personally significant values (humanistic and moral, as well as social values, orientation towards creativity, values of cooperation), patriotically-oriented personality, increased level of creative self-development, manifestation of selfworth in various types of activities in conditions of continuous education. Keywords: value-semantic orientation, creative self-development, continuous education, pedagogical technology, the processes of the self | 910 |