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1 | In the article the typological research is being described. The correspondence between typological functions (socionics) and the management functions is found out. The author proves the advantage of the team manage¬ment in comparison with the individual management style. | 1152 | ||||
2 | The article is dedicated to the problem of personnel motivation. An example of motivation system develop¬ment through the composition method is described. As initial parameters for system development the assess¬ment center results have been taken. | 1081 | ||||
3 | In the article the usage of SWOT-analysis for manage¬ment reserve is explored. As an outer environment the professional activity is being examined, as an inner en¬vironment - the personality of a candidate for manage¬ment reserve. | 1233 | ||||
4 | The article is dedicated to the questions of HR-process modelling in the organization. On the multitude of ob¬ject's states the algebraic system is being built. On the basis of algebraic laws the character of objects' interac¬tion is researched. | 1192 | ||||
5 | In the article the algorithm for professional success prognosis is described. On the basis of the system analysis the research of the personality potential is car¬ried out. The way of getting a synergy effect in the activ¬ity is investigated. | 1098 |