Owing to growing demand in mastering the English language as a language of international communication, the questions connected with enhancing teaching listening comprehension practice in a higher school are discussed. There are serious problems concerning these questions. The poor listening comprehension ability of students is referred to. Consequently, the authors are going to contemplate on its reasons, review some effective forms and methods in the teaching of foreign language listening skills at a non-linguistic higher school. This article investigates the peculiarity and role of listening comprehension practice. The characteristic of audio-texts depicting real-life situations is given. A range of problems and difficulties which students of higher school can face in teaching listening are considered and analyzed. Some measures how to organize the listening comprehension process in class in the required way are recommended to be taken. The authors have also made some efforts on presenting the recommendations on encouraging the ability to realize a foreign speech.
Keywords: foreign speech, listening comprehension practice, listening skills, peculiarities, real-life situations, difficulties, classroom procedures, confidence
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Issue: 1, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 124 — 129
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