The article covers the issues of working group formation in the modern preschool education system. The attribution of individuals to the category of the “group” in the light of the theory of transition is analysed. The contents of such categories as “working group” and “working group of teachers” is revealed. The author studies the peculiarities of the municipal working group teachers’ activity in creation of the support system for children aged 1–3. The article presents the basic activities of the working group of specialists in various areas necessary for the organization of special support of young children in a separate municipal education system. The analysis of group behavior makes it possible to determine the characteristics of pedagogical activity of the working group, the effectiveness and potential of which depend on the selected criteria. The peculiar working group features are supported by specific content of the municipal group activity.
Keywords: working group, early childhood, teaching activities, syncretic phenomena, municipal education
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 152 — 158
Downloads: 1028