Educational resources of realization of an emotional and game general range as a form of organization of a joint educational activity in preschool education and in the preparation of children for school are analyzed. A form of organization of joint activity of both children and adults which promotes creating the situation of emotionally positive immersion in the educational process as well as initiatively positive communication atmosphere is presented by an emotional and game general range, where children can share what they saw or their feelings, experience, joy, expressing their opinions. An emotional and game general range gives the opportunity for all the members to be equal in a joint activity where the teacher is found not in isolation but together with the children. At the same time the children can see both the teacher and all the rest children what promotes communication. The teacher is shown to organize and participate equally in a joint activity, whereas the children take a significantly-influential stand of the participants. Emotionally communicative children involvement is important in such kind of activity. Not only the child’s readiness and desire to perceive the adult and to accept his offers but showing the interest in interacting with adults and children, his desire to make it last longer and direct it in an organized way is implied by this activity. The article shows that an emotional and game general range contributes to children’s emotionally communicative involvement into a joint activity, sets their mind to educational activity, favors development of independence and initiative of preschool children within the framework of federal state educational standard targets of preschool education.
Keywords: preschool education, emotional and game circle, organization forms, joint educational activity, targets, Federal state educational standard of preschool education
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Issue: 7, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 9 — 15
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