DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-143-148
Nowadays thousands of students in Russia get a diploma of medical higher schools every year and hundreds of studies are made in the scientific research medical centers. Most of the graduates will engage only in curative activity and while making clinical decisions must follow not only pathogenesis knowledge, but also skills of using scientific information, published in peer-reviewed medical editions, in their medical practice. Another category of graduates besides medical activity will also engage in scientific research activity, take part in clinical research. They also are to be able to analyse scientific literature and official statistical reviews, to know main principles of planning, to know how to plan and to conduct medical research, to be efficient in applying methods of statistical data manipulation, to be able to interpret and to present in public the results of their research. The graduates engaged in medical or research activities shall have the research competence to solve the professional problems and tasks they’re facing. The article shows the analysis of the “research competence” concept, the determination of “research competence of the doctor” and presents the need of it forming while studying at medical higher school. Also, it proposes and describes structural components of the doctors’ research competence; it gives characteristic of levels of development of the competence. The article provides experts’ opinions on a number of issues related to the need for this competence for doctors, to the assessment of the process and the ways of its formation in higher medical education today.
Keywords: doctors’ research competence, higher medical education, structure of competence, levels of development of competence
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 143 — 148
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